[FL:RP] Cube - "All black/bald people will be killed on sight"
Name of player: [FL:RP] Cube

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68778194

Time in GMT: Around 4PM

Server: 2d

Summary: a) Killing on sight isn't allowed, b) racism, c) I, and many others told him that it wasn't allowed, but he just went ahead and ignored us.


[Image: UDILAQd.jpg]
Ok let me explain after the server came up from the DDOS, I became President. I asked if it was aloud to ban black people and such, and Alot of people said it was aloud and said they said it was done before, but some said it is against the rules. So I posted the Laws. Due to more people saying Yes, then Shadow came on, I was still worried, as I did not want to get my self on the Ban train. So I pmed [FL] Shadow and he went it is not aloud, so I then changed all the Laws straight away. And then it was over. The whole situation with the laws lasted around 45 Seconds (1 Minute max)

Note to add: Id like it if Shadow could review this Ban as he was here at the time.
Hello guys,

First of all, Cube did ask me when I came online if this was allowed. I said No.
However, you made these laws before asking me or any other Admin.
As you know, Kill on sight isn't allowed on our servers, no matter what.

"14. No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats."
Should of read the rules over again, as it states that this isn't allowed.

I do admire that you was uncertain and still asked me about it but you should of waited and asked first or make a thread about it on the forums.

Ban issued - 1 Day (Racism, FailRP)

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