Anyone doing the EvoRadio anymore?
I haven't seen it on in like a month.
Just wondering.
[Image: f8ba1Yh.png]
Evoradio project is now going to be handled by me and Qwerty upon Narcotics leaving. It will be resumed shortly.
Kind Regards,
Sorry to inform you Wood Chopper, but SoulRipper has passed the EvoRadio project over to me, I am currently working on a design for the site and I will be setting it all up soon.
Seems there is a confusion. You needed to ask Mathias not just Soul Nathan sincc it was Mathias' idea.
Kind Regards,
Soul owns the server and website, just because it was his idea doesn't mean he owns it or has control over it?
It does. Mathias has control of the radio still.
Kind Regards,
Well Soul has lost faith in the current radio project and has passed it onto me, if you would like to talk about this further PM me for my steam name.
I want Evocity Radio back so much... i can be one of the DJs but we will talk about this later... firstly, guys stop arguing, why won't you co-operate? What's the problem with controling it by you Nathan, and you Wood Chopper, Qwerty... together you can make it faster and better as it seems like this takes too much time to finish for one person. Evocity Radio was something new, something good, just please the whole Fearless Community and do it together, we can't wait.
Freezak its up now Wink

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