BR BobbyCorps
Name of player: BobbyCorps

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33899540

Time in GMT: 10:10 +1

Server: 2D

Summary:just driving along and this guy was promoting a porn site in chat

Evidence: PIC
thats sucks i was just trying to be funny :c

i would like to point out that if it helps my case i did a little research that in this thread created there were some questions about advertising. In the thread SoulRipper states and i quote ,"As long you don't advertise for an other community/server it's alright." My website link was not a virus, but simply a website i had been browsing and thought others may enjoy so i made a quick post about it. Nothing more was said about the website. i understand it may have been stupid but i just would feel dumb to be banned over something as silly as what my favorite porn site is :/ again sorry if this offended anyone it was just my attempt to be funny. thread link
Approved BobbyCorps
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
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