This account has been on the forums for a while, but i figured i'd introduce it to avoid misunderstandings at a later date.

How's it going guys? My name's Sean and i'm currently 19 years old, nearing my twenties.

Some people might remember me from other communities, i used to be a moderator at Vent Mob and one of the last Super Administrators over at Revolt Gaming before we decided to close it down.

Little bit about myself: I enjoy my hobbies which include Anime, History, Data manipulation, Human Psychology and my abundant love for green tea. I'm currently enjoying a career as a data and information analyst at my local government. As for my taste in music, i truly enjoy classical pieces.
I also find myself playing alot of WoW whenever i'm not on duty, so whenever you're on the molten-wow private server, let me know.

That being said, i highly doubt i'll be very active on these forums or servers. You might spot me from time to time but to be frank i actually just like to customize forum profiles and talk about myself. If there's any questions, please go ahead.

Take care
Hello, and welcome to fl Smile
You're account older than mine lol :p
Howdy, nice introduction
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Well, welcome to the forums then !!
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]

Nice to see an experienced RPer about the forums hope to see you in game.

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

Welcome to Fearless.

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