Freak out... (Question Added)
There is this guy on YouTube, wafflepwn, and he is the owner of the ever famous, YouTube featured, world recognized, "Biggest Freakout Ever (CLICK)" video. A VERY short tempered teen gets his WoW account taken away and shoves a remote up his butt... ofcourse I found the video of him raging hysterical because his brother is so mean to him and then I found another video by the same guy right here (CLICK). The video explains all. This kid puts out SO many funny videos of his brother FLAT OUT RAGING...

Alright I just found this and I CANNOT believe this kid?

AND another, I love these videos... look, he talks shit to a cop and the cop sprays him
I laughed so hard at the 2nd video Cheese
They are funny, but set up, the 2nd video, he happened to have a baseball bad handy? Tounge
I believe the first one is a legit one, but you can clearly see the next ones are set up and fake :/ too bad.. they are funny anyways
You can see by around # 5 that he's just not into doing it anymore.
(06-02-2011, 03:53 PM)Shark Wrote: You can see by around # 5 that he's just not into doing it anymore.

But I bet they get some good money from it, even if it seems they have lots as it is.
All I know is the first one is real, and the one with the cop is real... I saw these and was like OMFG FEARLESS
The cop wasn't even in any real danger but hell it was funny Tounge
I'd say they are all real.
A lot of them involve teachers, and other adults I wouldn't expect to be involved.
He was even interviewed by Rude Tube, and he kicked off that time as well cos' they told him about the other videos.
ROfl that is a good one, thanks storm. Cheese

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