Ban Request: TheGhostFreak
Name of player:TheGhostFreak

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51662349

Time in GMT: 17:05 + 3

Server: v2p

Summary: All Corleones had an order from the don to raid the rebels we all go right in the raid until one of the rebels came to corleone spawn and i told him what are you doing here. he just stayed in his car, then i saw ghostfreak coming i didnt think he will do something. i had a gun out so i told him to get out of the car and explain what he is doing in here cuz that was what the don told me to do. he didnt want to get out so i told him that it is failrp cuz he need to be afraid of the gun. after he got out another corleone hostage him because he was outside our base and before that he blocked my camera with his car. in this time theghost freak took out galil out and started shooting randomly(i dont got screenshot of him shooting but aiming gun on someone as gundealer is not allowed too.
he shoot us and almost killed us.

I'd like to hear of GhostFreak's side of this.

Also, try to gather more evidence, maybe ask your friends. It would simplify all of this if one of you took a picture of him shooting.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
that is the most i can fraps make my garry mod shit
i dont remember the other corleone but you can ask ghostfreak
but grub you should still ban him or aiming gun at someone while he is gun dealer
(06-25-2013, 04:21 AM)kfir2709 Wrote: that is the most i can fraps make my garry mod shit
i dont remember the other corleone but you can ask ghostfreak
but grub you should still ban him or aiming gun at someone while he is gun dealer

I'm not banning someone until I have valid proof. For all I know, this could of been one huge set up. I can't ban someone for simply aiming a gun. For all I know he could of been trying to sell the gun or attempting to take people hostage. I can't take much from these two pictures. Again, try to see if your friends snapped a few screenshots. I also need GhostFreak to post here. I'll leave this thread open for roughly 48hours until I reach a verdict.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
These Corleons were trying to random hostage my friend Bengasiafrica. After they tied him up, i ran to them and asked them for the reason. They said that the don was ordering to hostage everyone ( Thats FailRP, because the don hadnt a valid reason to say that). They were ranning away with my friend, so i took out my gun, to stop them, so i can speak with them. Then they tooked photos of me and Vuskk said that he will banrequest me for taking out a gun as Gun Dealer.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:51662349&b=8]
Feel free to give me some +rep if you want.
dont lie! you shoot us and we were needed to hostage rebels cuz they tresspassing our bases
and you cant protect someone as gun dealer cuz its the security guard job

and gun dealer doesent need to have rifle ammo on him and for selling me the gun he need to drop it not to use it
No i wasnt protecting him. I just saw how you randomly hostaged my friend so i helped him
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:51662349&b=8]
Feel free to give me some +rep if you want.
yea thats called protect him
Insufficient evidence.

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