I am back...
The bells ring loudly, the whole town gathers around. “He’s back!” a man shouts. The whole crowd goes wild, friends shed tears of joy. Whilst haters boil with anger. The ink black sky bursts into a multi-colored heaven as fireworks light up the sky.
Anyways, heh. I made a little opening to make it sound like biggest celebration in the world.
I may not have given myself the best reputation in the world before i got banned. I am have been discussing with my friend Criffen that when i get back we will perhaps do alot more serious RPing as oppose to messing about. This time i shall take a completely different approach to this community and be more cautious, serious and more mature towards roleplaying. I used to be pretty popular back 4 months ago when all i used to do was play on fearless 7-12 hours a day. I really loved it. Even though i occasionally went out of my way to break the rules. I understood what i did and took the punishment. I am very curious to try out the new features and to see the new additions such as the new SRU skin, and the new police cars. Most people i knew such as tdmdirtbike have either permanently left or have taken a break. This means that i will have to make completely different friends/partners. On Sunday the 23rd of June i’ll be unbanned and i have been counting every hour of this moment. I hope most people forgive me and understand that i will be a different person. I will put the past into a trash bin and throw it away. I’m really looking forward to meeting everybody!

P.S: I heard that most people who aren’t minges go on v2D now, is that correct? Cause i don’t see many serious roleplayers and popular people going on to v33x.
Yours sincerely,
Fearless Member
Yeah. V2D is the "most" un mingy server at the moment. Welcome back!
Kind Regards,
Welcome back !!
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
welcome back.
(06-21-2013, 06:05 PM)Wood Chopper Wrote: Yeah. V2D is the "most" un mingy server at the moment. Welcome back!

The reason it's like that is because 3+ admins are on it at one time, while the other two servers are neglected by them.

Welcome back Tandy.
Lead by example.
Welcome back!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Welcome back.
Thanks guys, i wasn't expecting quite as much feedback. Once again, looking forward to meeting everyone in 5 hours!
Yours sincerely,
Fearless Member
Hell Yeah! I'm coming on guys!
Yours sincerely,
Fearless Member
Welcome back Tandy i have been counting down ! for the past week or 2

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