Ban Request - Ahsoka
Player name: =-TJO-= Ahsoka

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:0:27840680

Time in GMT: 2:10AM GMT on 5/30/11

Summary: Ahsoke was an SS and there was a contra base in the Evo Offices. Me and Lynx went up to raid because we had seen it and wanted it. We headed up and after some yelling at the victim, made a deal about what would happen. After a while we went back up to the top again and the SS guy was actually GUARDING the Rebels contra that we had raided previously... he told me to get in the elavator and I said "This is not legal" and got shot to death (That is why in one or 2 screens he is saying 5, 4, 3 and I am pleading.) Not only that but he broke NLR (which I cant prove) and killed a cop (which I cant prove) HOWEVER, I have screenshots of as much as I could get on my Steam page. I also have one of him actually saying what he did was corrupt. He was being a horrible SS, FailRPing and minging BIGTIME.

Screen "No Government, No Rules Cheese"

Screen Proof of Playing

Screen I die, get cuffed, he admins being corrupt

Screen Guarding contra with a gun

I dont know if you call that proof or not, but please consider, he was failing so bad. Thank you for taking the time.

I don't see said contraband in any of the photos.
And in the console you're talking about both you and lynx, and Ahsoka breaking NLR....
I admit I broke it after he killed me for not getting in the elavator, but I only went back up in hopes of getting another screen and YES I KNOW that is not how it works. Nevertheless he admitted his fails. As did I. I will take a ban with no fights about it.
Unless you have more evidence on this ban request, then I'm closing it for insufficient evidence.
I think I have ONE more, I dont know if you call it valid but you cant say I didnt try. He ADMITTED that he was corrupt... did you see that?

Afraid I dont have any more evidence... but can you atleast do something? He ADMITTED that he was corrupt...
Him saying he is "Corrupt" Can mean a number of things.
Me and s.J often roleplay corrupt cops, taking bribes etcetera.
Funny how you didn't screen what he said after you said you were getting admins, in which he could have explained it.
The situation seems shaky, for both parties.
I'll wait a few days for him to reply, otherwise it'll be a week blacklist for the SS job, because i've seen him fail a few times as SS.
Alright thank you. I understand how it could be shaky, but my screenshots are delayed because I have to use F12 because WeGame wont pick up my game. OH and hes not registered on the forums I DONT THINK.

[Offtopic] I didnt know you could ROLEPLAY corrupt cop... how does that work? DOes contra play in?
My apologies for the late reply, The Forum system would not let me make a new password after i forgot my own. the "New passwords" dont work...

Anyway on to this lame excuse for a ban request, Two things:

1. Dr. Noobis you are the lamest excuse for a Rper ever, you broke tons of rules including NLR (if you want some proof look at his evidence from the one where i am pointing the M4 (check the "played time") and the one in the elevator. Last i checked that is not 5 mins. (even though you cant see it he came directly back up the elevator with his friend of which the name i cannot recall.)

2. I was asked by Vauld to ensure that no one would enter his little office, he gave me 1000 to guard it untill he got back and after i killed Stupid Mc-Noobie and his friends 2 or 3 times. He got back and gave me "Broken Contra" to destroy. You are allowed to be a corrupt cop, as long as you do not kill officers, SS or the President (read the rules) and for the record this "Police Officer" you are refering to that i shot half a dozen times was a Real fail player. He killed me twice in a row for no reason, with no RP. No admins were online and he would not accept any Arrest requests so thats why i shot him. (the name i never got because i was more bothered to protect the office).

Dude read the rules before you make a crap ban request, i never broke one rule. and if you check your consol evidence, when you asked me why was i protecting a room full of contraband, i said "What contra".

I had full reason to shoot you, because you never got in the elevator when i counted down and it was all rped so i did not failshoot you as you left the elevator the second time. I have asked vauld to give his evidence, since he was the one i was protecting.
(06-01-2011, 01:38 AM)-=TJO=- Ahsoka Wrote: 2. I was asked by Vauld to ensure that no one would enter his little office, he gave me 1000 to guard it untill he got back - Thats against the rules, you're SS, not a security guard.

He got back and gave me "Broken Contra" to destroy. You are allowed to be a corrupt cop, as long as you do not kill officers, SS or the President (read the rules) - No, no you cant... Corrupt police rp is when you are basically a "Bad cop" Giving people beatings, and taking the occasional bribe, even that is only allowed during special circumstances, usually after asking an admins permission.

and for the record this "Police Officer" you are refering to that i shot half a dozen times was a Real fail player. He killed me twice in a row for no reason, with no RP. No admins were online and he would not accept any Arrest requests so thats why i shot him - Don't break rules to stop rulebreakers, screenshot then post a ban request.

I'm giving you blacklist from SS, and three day ban for this. You completely failed here, and actually made it worse for yourself by admitting half of this.
Really... Wow. Storm no offence but you really need to define that more in the rules. (acording to "Welcome Rules".I never broke one rule and i carefully looked at them before i did this. The rules of Cop say that You cant kill another cop, you must follow NLR and RDM rules, No random killing people and Dont spam knockout-wakeup. And also the undercover police officer/commander working with rebels to kill president. I took ONE bribe to ensure that no one would enter the room, cop or otherwise. besides, how can people know contraband is in a room when it is blocked by a keypaded prop and a locked door without breaking in.
Also, No one on the server can demote Cops, or Commander cops in this case. Im not going to have my game revolve around one noob cop spoil my fun because he doesn't know the rules of the game.

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