Ban Request - Qiix, BaconStekarN
Name of player:


STEAM_0:0:24561955 - Qiix
STEAM_0:1:64649180 - Bacon's

Time in GMT: 18:30 (+-) 30 mins

Server: 2p

Summary: Qiix - Insulting in LOOC, breaking General Rule
Possibly Randomly Tranqing (Tranqed as soon as I left vehicle while on patrol)
Killing a tranqualised body, (Not RDM as I did shoot because of the weapon).


The first section of the video shows the insults through LOOC when I was RPing an arrest on the person.
The Second section shows the tranqs.
If any witnesses are needed, I can approve of Insulting several times in OOC about my voice, also foul language was used at the time
Legend you just want us banned all i said was stfu=SnerpTerpFlerpUrp troll language, btw i only tranqed once and it wasnt my idea baut Hostage stuff.
All this video shows on my behalf is flaming at the start, and I apologise for that but I was cuffed for literally like 10/15 minutes for no reason at all, other than not being able to hear the police/SRU through voice chat through no fault of my own. And RPing? Haha, trying to arrest me because I can't hear voice chat? I asked about 20 times for you both to type, and I just got cuffed and tazed repeatedly while I had no idea what I had done wrong.
^^ That's what i ment in the video random arrest for not having mic isnt that against the rules? i think that deservs a Banrequest to the officer too.
Ban request approved.

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