Islamization of europe - what do you think?
Islamization of europe - what do you think?

What do you think about that? Is it the thing which will happen in next XX years? Political corectness is getting ridiculous.

It's really incomprehensible how every british media cutted in the video words related to islam ("Allah Akbar", skip to 0:44 in the video). What do you think?

And here's another video about that
We still have like 50-70 years to life in Poland, later we will see what happen with "integration".

Btw Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was the most tolerant country in the world in 16 century.

And the main reason of this are kids
Because normal Islamic family have even 8 kids
And european mother? EU average is just 1.3 if I good remember
To stable growth we need 2.1 kids
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Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk
That happens because there other culture and manners in for example latin america, where prevails numerous family model, what about EU? 2+1 (2 parents 1 children).
Wait . what the fuck is that bearded man saying at the second video at 0:10

you can't say that Islam is religion of peace? It is religion of piece. Look! there's Christianity And Islam And Jewish and all that religions.

in all religion there's the good guys and the bad guys

i don't know why these people saying that we are bad ? NO

Our religion urges to feed the poor and help people and not to offend all religions

And like what you see guys .. some people are being racist and saying that we are terrorists and all that stuff .. but we don't respond to them . because i know they are trying to get trouble and Tarnish our reputation..

We haven't done anything wrong.

Islam in Arabic means "أسلام" and peace means "سلام" .. if we saw anyone walking near us we say "سلام عليكم" .. it means Peace to you

we do anything to see you smile and be happy.

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The problem is, islam people did already many terrorist attacks, single murders like this recent, and everything in the name of allah. Look at the first video how british media cut off a moment when he said about islam, allah (every media did it) just in the name of political corectness. This is sick how people don't want to do anything with this, i would say that islam isn't religion of peace anymore, there is to many people who deny this.
The actions of individuals can't be blamed at entire religions, this annoys me to absolute shits and I think it's disrespectful to say.
The following 6 users Like Narc's post:
  • RumbleIsTheBest, 5p carrier bag, Red Orchestra, NotSep, LowerFlowerPower, TB990
I think all religions are ridiculous.

But that is for a different discussion.
The following 4 users Like Adman's post:
  • Jono, ShareCrow, NotSep, LowerFlowerPower
Everyone is responsible for their religion, and even if so many people are murdering in the name of it, we can't say that "The actions of individuals can't be blamed at entire religions", there were several actions with more than 1 person and even if islam representative above said that it's not religion of peace, something is right. By the way he was the impeller for the man who murdered british soldier and by the way it's not the main topic over here. Even if there were only individuals, still you will keep saying that blaming their religion isn't ok? if someone murdered your friend you will think it's ok? It happens all time, these people are representing their religion, and if such people are doing it in the name of allah, as they do, we can't just stay and watch. Muslims are everywhere, and as you see, they don't care about value of life, they can either die, either kill without any problem, that's why islamization of europe is a serious problem.
Yes but times changes, like I said everyone in Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth life in peace.
Catholics, Jews, Islamists and many other religions.

But this changes just 1 year after Poland received independence
In 1919 Poland and Ukraine was at war with Red Russia
And here everything changes after Jews start to work with NKVD and help them find polish people

I know only one, Poland and some other countrys like Hungary, Ukraine will be the last bastion of free europe but we will be overrun anyway

Adman!!! I will never stop trying to convert you!!!
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Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk
There's a difference between Islamic and Islamic Extremists. People who go and kill in the name of their god are usually defined as extremists.

Also props to the guy for quoting Hamurabi's Code: "Eye for a eye and tooth for a tooth"
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