FUMUKU International
(06-03-2013, 02:23 AM)AmbientEcstasy Wrote: OOC:Hey guys I will try to get on as soon as possible, we had tornadoes in Oklahoma and one went through my street so my house is out of power. I am waiting for it to come back on.

My condolences from California.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
(06-03-2013, 02:23 AM)AmbientEcstasy Wrote: OOC:Hey guys I will try to get on as soon as possible, we had tornadoes in Oklahoma and one went through my street so my house is out of power. I am waiting for it to come back on.

My condolences from England, hope everything is sorted out and everyone is safe and well.
The following 1 user Likes Eisenhorn's post:
  • Dubwub
Please note paperwork has been amended on personnel reports of Kyle Satriani and Gordon Leary, to state their names instead of just their codenames.

New personnel reports will be issued after a monthly period of evaluation of new members, and old reports will be amended as necessary with pertinent information.

For new personnel the date you joined FUMUKU will be listed on your personnel report and any operations of note you took part in since that date will be listed. Feel free to submit to myself any information you feel pertinent or relevant to be kept in your personal file.

I address this letter to our C.E.O Mr Malkrin.

I Z. Massani formally request the opening of the legal department of FUMUKU Int. as a branch to work in conjunction with the security division, in my proposal it will be a specialisation within the security division, and all staff working in the FUMUKU legal division will also be trained security professionals. They will be required to be familiar with all aspects of the FUMUKU contract and able to act as advisors on legal matters, as well as security guards. I also propose that they are able to be seconded by the department of internal affairs for a purely advisory role pursuant to any actions or legalities arising from a concluded investigation. I would ask that the staff number no more than 5, and be all at least of grade C in the security division, due to the nature of the work. Aside from the above proposal, the staff of the legal department would be responsible for collating performance reports, and training records, that are dated on all active personnel, as well as ensuring that security personnel comply with and fully understand the legalities of all FUMUKU Int. operations/contracts. and any such task as requested from the managing directors.

I thank you for your time in reading this letter and eagerly await your response, if you require clarification on any issue within this letter do not hesitate to contact me, or materialise in my office.

Yours faithfully Z. Massani, Director of FUMUKU Int. Legal services I.D 3514
Application Review: Completed

FUMUKU International would like to welcome its newest members to their respective divisions:


Welcome aboard Alexia: STEAM_0:1:19672727
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 8497

Welcome aboard viljoeL: STEAM_0:1:14686958
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 3248

Welcome aboard Bash Arkin: STEAM_0:0:23279757
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 7519

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow the orders of your commanding officers during security operations, and if you can complete a set of training courses to show you are capable of advancement. This training course may be waived if you show exceptional skill in the field.

FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates will be provided at the start of any operation

Be sure to add me on steam if you have'nt already done so to keep up to date with the goings on.

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what"

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.
This includes but is not limited to: Pens, pencils, paper, copy paper, mugs, watercoolers,staplers, chairs, lights, test subjects,company vehicles, company personal, company owned alternate realitys, company owned planetoids.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
Pursuant to conversation with C. Malkrin I submit my first draft for the FUMUKU legal division, it's ranks, history and function.

Spoiler: FUMUKU Int, Legal services, first draft
In the year of 1997 Z.Massani approached C.Malkrin of FUMUKU Int, with a business proposal.
The proposal was a financial loan of [REDACTED] amount. This was to fund the development of a legal corporation, named at the time, Massani and associates litigation, specialising in the laws of contract, tort and information disclosure. The proposal was accepted due to the stress Z.Massani put on representative litigation for the economically challenged and persons who could not afford exceptional solicitors nor the inevitable costs and security required for any contract. The company was extremely successful in it's endeavours due to several high cost cases it secured for international businesses, despite the losses suffered from representing the 'lower class' of client for which the company became famous. However Z.Massani was eventually voted off the board of directors of the company and despite his investiture in it and service, was removed from it's board of solicitors. In the twelve years that followed the company gradually lost many of the clients Z.Massani had accumulated and it's finance as well as it's reputation for defending all who asked in court. This did not escape the attention of C.Malkrin, or FUMUKU Int, who set in motion the painstaking process of acquiring the company, and locating Z.Massani. At current in 2013 the company once run by Z.Massani is now a sister division to FUMUKU Int. Security services, and is headed by Z.Massani, appointed to the head of FUMUKU Int. Legal services by C.Malkrin.

FUMUKU Int. Legal services, referred to as the department for brevity, is a sister division with the Security division. Working on both matters of public interest and FUMUKU policy, as well as representing the citizens of any nation who ask for legal aid. The department provides not only specialist legal aid to FUMUKU Int, but a strong source of finance and commercial security, as well as a positive community image.

The department provides a secondary function, being a sister division with the Security services, all personnel working within the department are also security officers, and can be employed as such, it is a dual role. The Legal officers, accompany security agents on contract, to ensure that all terms of FUMUKU Int. are met and to protect it's reputation, staff and clients from any unlawful act, arising from any party. Due to this dual role the department, requires a higher standard from it's officers, demonstrating not only legal proficiency but also having met positive reviews on deployment and being at least grade C security officers. However the department also requires an enhanced security clearance, seen as an addition to the grade of officer, due to the nature of the legal work, members of the department are often exposed to, or in contact with classified documents, and as such require a different security rating.

Due to it's nature and the deployment of it's officers and or agents, the department uses a different rank structure. Unlike other FUMUKU Int. departments and divisions it does not utilise the glass D/T or D ranks in any form. Instead having four separate ranks, which are attached to the individuals security clearance. The rank structure for the department is listed below from lowest to highest.

Legal trainee Class C/OL1: Class C/OL1 Legal trainees are trained with Standard Level OL1 training. This allows them access to a Level 1 Sidearm, a Level 1 and 2 Less than lethal deterrent, and in the most extreme of cases, access to Level 2 firearms and body armor.

Class C/OL1 Legal trainees make up the bulk of FUMUKU Int. Legal Services Division.
Specialising in interviewing clients, and preparing case documents and the facts for assessment from a senior OL rated officer, they perform the ground work for the Legal department, often engaging in interviews, surveillance and client monitoring pending a security contract. They have limited enhanced security due to the rarity of them encountering classified documents. This rank confers no special privileges with regard to operations other than enhanced security disclosure and an enhanced allowance for office supplies.

Class C/OL1 Trainees found under the influence of any and all illegal narcotics or alcohol will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OL1 Trainees showing signs that they cannot be trusted with their firearms in any case for any reason will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OL1 Trainees showing mental instability and whom refuse treatment will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OL1 Trainees showing continued disrespect to fellow employees from any division and their subclasses, of any rank or position will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OL1 Trainees showing any unauthorised hostility towards local government officials and/or law enforcement agents will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

The Class C/OL1 Tier contains no Subclasses.


Legal Adjudicator Class C: Class C Legal Adjudicator are trained with Standard Level OL2 training; this allows them access to a Level 2 Sidearm, a Level 1 and 2 Less than lethal deterrent, body armor and in the event it is required, access to Level 3 firearms will be granted.

Legal adjudicators are deployed alongside security officers, and are well versed in the terms of FUMUKU int's Contracting, able to provide legal advice, and guide security officers to ensure the terms of the contract are met and the law is followed to the letter. May not authorise actions against FUMUKU personnel, merely report them, they may however act to protect the company if instructed by at least 2 persons of ranks not less than OJA, OLA3 or A++.

Class C/OL2 Legal Adjudicator found under the influence of any and all illegal narcotics or alcohol will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OL2 Legal Adjudicator showing signs they cannot be trusted with their firearms in any case for any reason will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OL2 Legal Adjudicator showing mental instability and whom refuse treatment will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OL2 Legal Adjudicator showing continued disrespect to fellow employees from any division and their subclasses, of any rank or position will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OL2 Legal Adjudicator showing any unauthorised hostility towards local government officials and/or law enforcement agents will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

The Class C/OL2 Tier currently contains no Sub Classes:


Legal Arbitrator Class C/OL3: Class C/OL3 Legal Arbitrator are trained with Advanced Level OL3 training; this allows them access to a Level 2 Sidearm, a Level 1 and 2 Less than lethal deterrent, body armor as well as a standard issue Level 3 Firearm. In the event it is required, access to Level 4 firearms can be granted.

Having a highly enhanced security clearance the Legal Arbitrators, act in a varied set of capacities, foremost their role is; to defend FUMUKU Int, should it be summoned to court, to advise management on the contractual obligations and statutes which will effect FUMUKU Int, and to advise on [REDACTED] operations, as well as ensure that the law is followed by all staff members.
They also advise on any action by FUMUKU Int, unions and strikes. OLA3 ranks have autonomy of action in so far as they may authorise the use of less than lethal detention of FUMUKU personnel who are attempting a criminal act contrary to the beliefs and or standards of FUMUKU Int, and any act which may detriment the reputation of FUMUKU Int.

Class C/OL3 officers found under the influence of any and all illegal narcotics or alcohol will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OL3 officers showing signs they cannot be trusted with their firearms in any case for any reason will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OL3 officers showing mental instability and whom refuse treatment will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OL3 officers showing continued disrespect to fellow employees from any division and their subclasses, of any rank or position will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OL3 officers showing any unauthorised hostility towards local government officials and/or law enforcement agents will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

The Class C/OL3 Tier contains no Subclasses.


Judge Advocate Class C/OJA: Class C/OJA Legal Arbitrator are trained with Advanced Level OJA training; this allows them access to a Level 2 Sidearm, a Level 1 and 2 Less than lethal deterrent, body armor as well as a standard issue Level 3 Firearm. In the event it is required, access to Level 4 firearms can be granted.

The Judge Advocate is a singular individual heading FUMUKU Int, legal services. Due to his role he is responsible only in his legal capacity to the managers of FUMUKU Int, and has full security clearance for any matter that requires his consult. His main role is to oversee the training of legal officers, or appoint a training officer/program in his stead, as well as to collate personnel reports on all officers who are under review. He also sits in advisement on issues pertaining to internal matters of FUMUKU Int, and is often consulted on employee misconduct, pursuant to any breech of the contractual obligations of any personnel employed by FUMUKU Int. This role also includes supervising [REDACTED] operations and ensuring that all agents follow the law, and failing that is granted freedom of action to protect FUMUKU Int's image and reputation, including on site suspension of an employee and authorising [REDACTED] to stop any action which could be illegal and or damaging to FUMUKU Int.

Class C/OJA officers found under the influence of any and all illegal narcotics or alcohol will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OJA officers showing signs they cannot be trusted with their firearms in any case for any reason will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OJA officers showing mental instability and whom refuse treatment will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

Class C/OJA officers showing continued disrespect to fellow employees from any division and their subclasses, of any rank or position will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be temporarily suspended until a re-evaluation can be conducted.

Class C/OJA officers showing any unauthorised hostility towards local government officials and/or law enforcement agents will have any clearances immediately revoked and their employment will be terminated.

The Class C/OJA Tier contains no Subclasses.


Addendum: The security ranks shown above apply only in the function of the Legal department and confer no special privilege associated with rank for any person so employed by the Legal department whilst working under their secondary role of security officer. They are an attached rank to the normal rank of the person holding at least a Grade C in the Security Division. For example a Class A/OL1 may exist, in the legal department but Class C was chosen for illustrative purposes due to that being the minimum requirement for entry to the Legal Department.

Explanation of rank. OL1,2,3 is an acronym to indicate the individuals employment in FUMUKU Int legal services, and means Office of the Law, shortened to OL.

OJA is an acronym to indicate the individuals senior position in FUMUKU Int, legal services, and means Office of the Judge Advocate, shortened to OJA.

Please find attached my review of FUMUKU Int, CP procedure and my recommendations on how to proceed in such a contract.

Spoiler: FUMUKU Int, CP procedure proposal
FUMUKU International, legal services, memo from C/OJA
Policy regarding the reconnoitre of pre-contract clients, interview procedure of clients, and operations pre and post contract.

The first point of contact for establishing a contract with FUMUKU Int, security will be an interview conducted by by a member of FUMUKU Int, Legal department. The interview will be used for two purposes, one to determine the legitimacy of the contract, and likely threats to the client. The questions will be asked in a set order, to determine the price the client can afford, what threat level the client is at, and what exactly the client needs protecting, from whom, and why, all with reference to the contractual terms and conditions. The questions are as follows;

1) How many persons do you currently have associated to you, or in your employment.
2) What is the nature of your business?
3) Have you or your premises, or anyone associated to you, been attacked by a specific individual or group, and if so whom are the attackers.
4) Do you agree with the conditions in the contract. (You do not need proof that they read it, just reasonable belief they did)
5) Where is your premises, and how secure is it?
6) Are you prepared to follow directions of FUMUKU Int, security agents for the benefit of your safety? And allow them full access to your property to fully assess the best way to protect you.
7) Do you agree to the prices per agent, for FUMUKU Int, security.

At this point report the answers to the Managing officer on site at FUMUKU Int, and get a team of 2 persons for pre-contract reconnaissance. At this point you will conduct a reconnaissance of the property, observe and record persons, vehicles and any unusual activity that may void the contract. If you see any illegal activity occurring, you are to remain on station and relay the following information to the security division and the police, location, persons involved, activity, and await backup, unless instructed by an OL3/OJA/A rank or higher, at this point you may intervene lawfully.

If the contract is successfully signed and authorised, you will proceed to the next stage, and contact two persons of at least Grade C security division, or Grade C/OL2 Legal division. You are to use cars unaffiliated to FUMUKU Int, and alter your identification to show you are not in FUMUKU Int, employ and conduct a full reconnaissance of the following:

1) The location of client.
2) Entry routes to the area
3) Ease of entry
4) Roads and escape routes.
5) Known enemies of the client
6) Their premise, following the law, and report vehicles/persons there and any suspicious activity
7) a fall back position to safely keep the client.
8) a secondary fall back position that is easily held.

When reconnaissance is being conducted on known enemies, be aware of vehicles and potential pursuit speed, weaponry, and their proximity to the client, if they live next door we attempt to move the client unobserved and maintain an illusion the client is still at the premise. You may use distraction techniques including but not limited to flares, inciting verbal arguments, and vehicular collisions.

Once the above is established proceed to stage 3 of the operation.
You will need three teams for a successful CP operation. CP refers to Close Protection.
First team will stay with the client at all times.
Second team will maintain an OP (Observation point) at the point of access to the property.
Third team will maintain eyes on known antagonistic groups or threats to client.

Third team will report any activity, including departure of or arrival of vehicles, and be prepared to act as a QRF (Quick Reaction Force) third team, will follow in unmarked vehicles, if the threat leaves their premises. If called as a QRF third team must respond ASAP, and will pincer the threat between them and First team with co-ordinated fire and denial of cover. If unable to respond the should inform Second team.

Second team will observe and identify if the threat approaches the OP, and will attempt delaying tactics including road access control measures. If QRF is unavailable second team is to react with lethal force on confirmed threats, and deter them at the entry point.

First team will secure the client and prepare to resist any aggressive or hostile action with lethal force, if armed men (excluding police officers) come running at the CP BO (Close Protection Base of Operations) Lethal force is to be used to deter them at all costs, once a threat is verified. First team is also responsible for security of clients premises and will establish a bulletproof safe box for the client that is discreet and hidden, and must set up positions of fire to pincer threats between them and team three. Who will be engaging and eliminating the threat.

Once a threat has been contained the client is to be moved in his vehicle to the fall back position, due to risk of death to the client he is not to be moved until threat is eliminated. Whilst in transit, the clients vehicle is to be sandwiched between Second and Third teams vehicles, to provide a limited target on client and protect his life, to this effect the client must not be the driver of his vehicle, and the clients vehicle will be driven by First team. If contacted (fired upon) the convoy will stop in a safe manner and return lethal fire protecting the client at all times.

If in transit of the client the convoy is pursued by a hostile vehicle, Second team is to pull off from the convoy and block the pursuing vehicle, Third team is to accelerate into the trapped vehicle, and dismount and open fire killing the occupants of the hostile vehicle, Third team will then remount, and proceed with the convoy as usual, first team should secure the client as soon as possible and proceed regardless to a safe location.

If this policy causes conflict with any law officer or agent operating as such, FUMUKU Int operatives are to direct that officer/agents attention to this policy.

This should enable the successful completion of any CP detail, the teams should consist of at least two persons, armed with AK-47 or equivalent type weapons, and kevlar body armour. Of course this level of security will incur a high cost, as this is the best policy and level of protection we at FUMUKU Int offer.

Please find attached FUMUKU Int, policy in event of breach of information disclosure legislature.

Spoiler: FUMUKU Int, disclosure of information policy
FUMUKU International, disclosure of information policy.

This policy is to remind staff of what information FUMUKU Int, collates on them, the purpose and the information collated on clients.

FUMUKU Int, collects the following reports and/or information on it's personnel;

1) Medical records including but not limited to hospital visits, psychiatric information and all pertinent forms.
2) Criminal records background checks at enhanced level, this will list all offences whether convicted or not.
3) Employment termination documents, and employment history records.
4) Tenures, proposals for work, and job applications with any other corporations, and or agency, including but not limited too charities, government agencies, competing agencies, and rival companies.
5) Residential information.
6) Contact details.
7) Intra/International travel documentations.
8) Assumed and/or false identities used, regardless of purpose.
9) Association with specific terrorist groups and or known antagonists.
10) Web browsing habits.
11) Exposure to anomalies and or any intra-dimensional rifts/Tupperware this list is not exhaustive and serves as an example.

We use this information, in our selection process and store it in accordance with the data protection act 1998, you may submit a request for information disclosure on this ground to FUMUKU Int, but we will not disclose confidential information, nor information pertinent to operational security or any information that may endanger employees lives.

FUMUKU Int, collects the following information on clients, and or prospective clients.
1) Name, contact details, residence.
2) Commercial or private contract.
3) Criminal records background checks at enhanced level, this will list all offences whether convicted or not.
4) Association with specific terrorist groups and or known antagonists.
5) Conduct of the client.
6) Associates of the client.
7) Vehicles of the client.
8) Activity of the client.
9) Location of the client and all associates.

This information is used to protect you as best we can, we advise full co-operation with our efforts if you wish to employ us. We will protect all information in accordance with the data protection act 1998, and you submit a request for information disclosure on this ground to FUMUKU Int, but we will not disclose confidential information, nor information pertinent to operational security or any information that may endanger employees lives. This information helps us ascertain the grounds for the contract and if it is legally viable for us to continue with the contract. If you attempt to employ FUMUKU Int, for criminal means we will submit the appropriate data to the relevant law enforcement agency.

Regarding the disclosure of confidential information, any FUMUKU Int, personnel found to be either; disclosing confidential files, stealing confidential files, attempting to collate confidential files, removing any classified documents, stealing classified documents, selling classified documents, exchanging confidential information with Beelzebub or SCP-738 for immortality or carnal knowledge or any such bargain, will be subject too.

1) Immediate employment termination
2) Immediate seizure of all assets
3) Detention of individual at the MDRC, Mobility Deprivation Rehabilitation Centre.
4) Flaying
5) Sensory Deprivation
6) Exposure of the unmentionables to a sandblaster
7) Exposure to anomalous Tupperware
8) Exposure to 'DubWub'
9) Revocation of all security privileges
10) Extensive interviews with a C/OL3 or C/OJA
11) Extensive interviews with FUMUKU Int, management.
12) Seized assets will be held to recover against any loss.
13) Location and detention of subjects who have come into contact with classified/confidential documents.
14) Application of amnesiacs or iron rod to cause memory loss.
15) Termination of suspect and potentially subject, if amnesiacs fail.

FUMUKU Int, will not tolerate the dissemination of confidential information to any authority, unless authorised by a FUMUKU Int manager, C/OL3 or C/OJA. If the police are questioning any employee, the employee should resist all attempts at conversation by stating; I refuse to answer any questions until my legal representative is here. Failure to comply will be treated as a breach of your confidentiality agreement with FUMUKU Int, and of the contract you agreed to with your employment. The 15 points iterated above are to illustrate the options available to FUMUKU Int, in the event of such breach.

Yours faithfully Z.Massani C/OJA I.D 3514
The following 2 users Like Eisenhorn's post:
  • BlackDog, Toxic
Just a small time notice to everyone, our main post has now reached the FLs max character limit, maybe 65k or more, at the least 45k. New divisions and information will be added to post #2 as if it were post #1.

A HUGE thanks to Mathi for removeing his 2nd post to allow my 3rd to become 2 so everything looked all neat.

Upon the completion of the new legal division logo, it shall be added in its entirety to post #2
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
lol christ.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] TheAvenger 117

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51080508

Your Age: 16

Hours on server: 442+

RP Events you have been in: Vault Rp ; Zombie Rp; Combine Rp; Club Rp; Prison Rp; Mafia Rp; and recently Vauld's Opera Rp

RP Point Amount:
2 because of Opera Rp and Militia Rp

Ban History on Fearless RP: 4 minor bans. but still a ban


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU International : Engineer Class C

Full Name: Valencia' Sanchez 'Arailius

All Nicknames: The Avenger: The Punisher: The Mercenary

Age: 23

Date of Application: 6/11/2013


Date of birth: 10/30/1996

Gender: M

Place of Birth: East Berlin, Germany

Telephone Number: 1-852-4020

Mobile: 1-740-506-6619

Driver's License Number: Currently under Driver's Ed.


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address:4730 Big Plain Evocity National Inustry Rd.

Zip code: 43140

Suburb / City
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Sualvoc Hitlerzva Rd Berlin, Germany
Zip code: 66592

Suburb / City

Why are you applying? I am applying not only to make the team stronger, but to Assist in all means necessary and to help build, secure and defend our Operations that come upon us. I would love to experience with an Unofficial Clan that would really interest me in so many ways.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
FUMUKU International : Engineer Class C : To be responsible for bigger and more dangerous repairs of corroded metal and materials, along with repair and maintenance on advanced damaged structures.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I am intelligent. I talk my way out of situations which involves threats. I am a good Fighter/ Distraction, i have the Advantage to defend anything that's in FUMUKU's Operations.

What will you offer FUMUKU? Anything that they would ask for. i may not have it, but i will say this, i will give them my Charisma and intelligence, most of all, my everything.

Character Bio: I was born in Eastern Berlin, Germany. I have went to Esekabon School district, and attended Berlin Leadership University. When i was 19 i was applying for training boot camp for GSG-9 Special Riot Control. I had experienced multiple Riots and Robberies and assassination attempts. I had a squad of 13 Men, 3 of them died by Metallic Projectiles from a Riot over the Old Berlin wall. I have Suffered many wounds and resigned when i was 20. I had 10 medals of Glory and 13 medals of honor. and 1 medal of Inconceivable Warrior, which means i have killed and Subdued 23 Terrorists/Riot suspects. a couple months after i resigned, my
girlfriend told me about this new colony, a new country. Evocity as what i heard of from my girlfriend. we have moved there when i was 22 and i am now in Strategic Response Team, Unit 32. I am also a Band Director of Evocity's new Concert Band. My Strategic Response Team career ended shortly after my girlfriend's death, by the Mafia Don and his Corleone members... i seek to take revenge, but then again i am a good guy and will not break the laws. I am still at my house here today, in Evocity in my bed, thinking of my girlfriend, such a shame that i never was there for her, such a shame...such a shame. Now i am looking for a new job but i am managing to apply for this Operation...
FUMUKU Int, thanks you for your application, and would like to take the opportunity to state your application will be under review for the position of Engineer Class D/T, not Class C as requested, if you wish to know the reason behind this, please refer to the contract S:1 14) FUMUKU International employees are not to ask for a promotion, nor to pester the managing director.

We at FUMUKU Int, once again thank you for your time in applying and showing interest in our burgeoning industry.

Yours faithfully: Z.Massani Director of FUMUKU Int Legal Services, I.D 3514
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: AMassiveSpoot

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49633319

Your Age: 18

Hours on server: 415

RP Events you have been in: Hostage, Hotel, Vault, Casino, Apocalypse, Bar, some sorts of others i can't remember but i'm pretty flexible.

RP Point Amount: 2

Ban History on Fearless RP: 2, both were for cdm but they were a while ago.


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security


Full Name: The Great Cornholio

All Nicknames: Spoot

Age: 21

Date of Application: 6/12/13


Date of birth: 06 / 19 / 1991

Gender: M

Place of Birth: Geneva, Illinois

Telephone Number: None

Mobile: 630-405-0333

Driver's License Number: R607181380


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 902 S. Jefferson Street Batavia, Illinois

Zip code: 60510


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Too young to remember, Aurora, Illinois

Zip code: Too young to remember



Why are you applying? I'd like to better myself and the city by cleaning up the streets of scum.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Former leader of the small clan Iron Guard before it dispersed. Iron Guard Dealt with security jobs especially in the Nexus.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Many times were me and my comrades successful in the defense of the nexus against those who would harm our people. I do not tolerate insubordination nor am i insubordinate my self.

What will you offer FUMUKU? A strong arm to help defend those who need defending. Above average planning skills, and a sharp shot.

Character Bio: Born and spent a good part of my childhood in the bad neighborhoods of North Aurora. I've seen first hand how organized crime can exploit and terrorize the innocent and defenseless. My family moved away to a better part of town before anything bad happened to us because it was only a matter of time. Now my goal is to protect those who need to protection and to take down the organized crime that makes my birthplace so terrifying.

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