Unban request
[b]Your name:Mr Thingy

[b]Your ban ID:27186

[b]Banned by:[FL] Beflok

[b]Reason: Intentionally trying to crash the server, Mass prop spam

[b]Involved: a

[b]Why we should unban you:I know i did a really bad thing but i am really sorry for that. It's Been about 4-5 mounts since I've been banned and I've had a long time to think about it. It was very childish of me & i am really sorry for it I have matured in these few mounts. I was hoping i could have another chance or even my ban to be put down to 3-4 mounts. I've really missed playing fearless it was one of my favorite server. I'm really sorry and if you could give me another chance I would prove that i'm worthy to play on your server.
Zero tolerance violation, meaning the ban stays permanent.

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