Unban request
name: ign: goldfirehawk13

ban ID:32339

Banned by:Vauld

Reason: Minge-grabbing, insulting Admin, destroying the item instead of giving it back.

Involved: no one else was involved

Why we should unban you: the disrespect I understand. I was harsh but I only was harsh as I was using that in me explaining towards others. May not have been the best way but it was the way I choose. As for the minge grabbing and destroying the item in my opinion I don't think so. I simply found the weapon on the ground next to the body. I don't think it was fair for the admin to try and make me give it back. I destroyed it because I choose that way to get out of the situation(but later for the admin Vauld to take my money away for destroying it). it might have been a smarter move to give it back but I didn't want the admin to use his powers to make me give it back. I will apologize for the rude comment or comments I said to the admin if necessary but I will not apologize for taking the weapon and then destroying it. If any other admins would like to talk to me about the admin taking away my money please feel free to contact me after I get unbanned if I do. (sorry if there are 2 posts about this I couldn't find my post and that worried me that I didn't have a dispute up.
There is literally a 0% chance of you getting unbanned by me. As I told you.. I think 4 times; I died in an OOC way, losing my gun. I asked politely for the gun back atleast 5 times in which you decided to try to be in control, and stubborn. I then took 5.5k which was the worth of my gun. Followed by you and your friends insulting me, resulting in their bans. Normally, opinion aren't wrong. But in this case, I really do think you're wrong. I mean.. Seriously, I asked you politely and then you said "ALRIGHT FINE ITS GONE, I JUST DESTROYED IT" I mean really? Instead of simply giving me the gun back after explaining to you the situation, you tried to be a hard-ass and destroyed it. Didn't really work out did it... Also, as for other admins backing you up, I honestly don't think that will happen. I referred to multiple admins before taking action against you. So let's recap all you did wrong/the events.

You refused to give me the gun you picked up; after I died from an OOC event.
I told you the story for the second time in which you refused.
You then decided to destroy the gun to basically say screw you.
I then took away 5.5k, from you (The cost of a single tommy gun)
You then proceeded to call me names, followed by your group calling me names.
I then banned you for admin disrespect, and minge-grabbing.
Followed by banning your friends for disrespect also.

I really don't think you have an argument here.
ok lets leave the other people out of this cause this is me not them as well. I do understand that giving the gun back would have been the best idea but I had other plans for the gun as a quick profit of money for me. I don't think it was right of you to take my money away though as you could have just went of and possibly did contra as you were Corleone but instead of doing that you are putting that on me now. I know this really has nothing to do but I am just saying you could have moved on and just went to earn the money for the gun a different way instead of banning me and putting that on me. i do understand I should be banned for the disrespect I recall only saying your "retardedness" that got you killed. I do know I could have taken this situation a better way but I choose not to because I wanted to make a profit of the gun as I just said in this post(not in fame). Although I think it was unnecessary to put in the minge grabbing and the destroying the item to extend my ban from what could have been a day to a week. as I have said before I do understand there could have been better ways to handle this but I choose different and I still think it was not very fair of you to take my money but I do understand that it was just for repaying the gun I destroyed but I still don't think it is fair to me but I also know that it isn't fair to you as well for the reason you are out of a tommy gun now but in my opinion maybe you could have just went on with your fay and earned the money for the gun I destroyed (not that im telling you you should have done that but just not take my money away) as I know I have been repeating a lot of things this is just what I have to say.

I would also like to hear what some other admins have to say about this not just Vauld. I do understand that any other admins were not on at the time but I would like to hear other admin opinions not just Vauld's
I wasn't contrawhoring, and I don't need money. What I have an issue with, is your attitude, your lack of respect and ignorance. The amount of respect that I got from you, was none. You think you can one-up me, treat admins with no respect, and get away with it. Well no, you can't. We have more authority than you, and that is an idea you need to get through your head. Everything I did was fair, I gave you multiple opportunities to give the gun back. I explained to you the story. You refused to give the gun back because you thought you could win, then when you realized you weren't in control, you lashed out. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that what you did was dumb.
I'm sorry GoldFireHawk13, but I really do not see how you can defend your case. Vauld is an Admin, a respected member and who gives his free time to Admin the servers. He spends, like every admin, a huge amount of time to help people and punish those who break the rules. I truly hope you understand that even if it wasn't his weapon and he asked for it, you should give it to him because of the reasons stated above.

I sincerely hope you let the matter go and learn from this.

Holdem, FL Admin.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
Vauld I wasn't trying to be in control I had no reason to be in control. I wasn't trying to one up you im not going to do that to an admin I had no intentions to one up or be in control I didn't give the gun back because I didn't want to give in to admin power just for a gun that is all but 5.5k. I lashed out cause I think it was unfair to me to take my money away but I do understand it was also unfair to you as you were out of a tommy gun. but what im trying to say is I wasn't trying to one up you or defeat you or try to gain control.

I do understand that he has given his time and helps others and punished others im only not letting this go because I feel as if the minge grabbing and destroying the weapon instead of giving it back was to make my ban longer. I may be wrong as I do not fully understand everything about rp yet but this is just what I think
When an administrator tells you to do something, you comply. Can't be any different.
If you had displayed such disrespect and disobedience on my watch, your ban would have been much longer.
Ban reason changed to a more appropriate one. Appeal denied.

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