Banned for propsurfing
Your name: AverageDuppy

Your ban ID: 32281

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Propsurfing

Involved: Myself and Narcotic only.

Why we should unban you: Put simply, I didn't really know what I was doing. At the time I was deconstructing a building and decided to move some of the walls. I had no idea that scrolling up whilst holding the prop in place would raise me into the air - I even sent a few OOC messages to ask how to get back down again. I ended up just unfreezing and freezing the prop a few times to get me to the ground without taking any fall damage.

I think it's important to add the fact that the server was also pretty empty, and I seem to only recall a handful of people still connected at the hour that this happened - my intentions were absolutely not to propclimb or even affect any other players by somehow gaining an advantage. It was a naive mistake made by somebody with around 70 hours on the server. I do not plan to ever propsurf again.
Emptiness does not give you an excuse.

Moved to unban request section.
i have played with duppy quite alot and he has never once broken a single rule and does not come across as one who would intentionally do so.
You never really read the courthouse rules, did you, chapy98? I told you to several times.
I'm not trying to reason my actions because the server wasn't thriving. My point was to reinforce the fact that I really didn't intend propsurf to gain advantage or have the upper hand somehow - I haven't even heard of the term 'propsurfing' until today.
User decided to post an abuse topic:

Appeal denied, with a good understanding to courthouse rules and understanding of the violation I would have lifted it, seeing as you clearly don't understand our rules and policies.


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