I was not aloud to go to my base to smash my old contra and deleat my base !
Your name: (|C:G| Jai)

Your ban ID: (32243)

Banned by: (Narcotic)

Reason: (Doomforting, contraband as SRU.)

Involved: (Me , GeorgeTheBoy)

Why we should unban you: (Ok right GeorgeTheBoy and Police sergeant was blocking the UM tunnel and my base and car was at UM so they said i could not enter to go to my base i change to SRU and went there they blocked the tunnel for no reason and yes there was contraband in the UM but i was going to Smash it up and delete my base all i wanted was my car it was not fair that i got banned for not being aloud to go to my base and smash the Contraband and deleate the base please may i be Unbanned)
We blocked the tunnel as we were RPing. There were guys who were heavily armed down the road. You tried to get past to go to your house but I kept telling we couldn't let you past as it was too dangerous. You then said "I'll just change to SRU to get past" and then switched. You then came up, started to demand us to follow your orders even though you have no power over Police Officers and then jumped over the cars running towards heavily armed people. Not only did you switch jobs to avoid an RP situation, you also FailRPed by not going along with the RP, and broke FearRP by running towards heavily armed people. If you actually role played the situation we would of let you through once it was safe.

I do not support an unban.
OK so George when i walked down the road to my base there was nobody there all wanted to do was destroy my contraband but you banned me plus i lived there you could have told me the info of what was happening before i walked down there because i lived there you could have at least told me not say 'classified information' i had the right to know since i live there i love fearless im sorry i broke rules and it the weekend all i want to do is go on fearless but now i cant please may i be unbaned Smile
I didn't ban you, Narcotic did.

You could of RPed the situation better. Instead you just changed jobs to get to your base even though 5-6 of us were telling you that it was dangerous to go down there.

We had the area cordoned off. All we knew was that there were armed men down the road so to avoid panic we didn't release any information.

Take this time off to read some of the role play guides and a re-read of the rules.
to be fair 2 days for something little can you get Narcotic to reply i want to discuss it with him please
Appeal denied, refer to George's posts for reasoning.

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