It's my time I guess..
So.. I have been inactive on FL for a pretty long time, I usually had around 14 hours of gameplay in a week and last week I played like an hour or less.

When I join FL I don't have the feeling I had before, I have seen many friends leave, I made new friends but I still have the feeling it's time to go now. Of course there is another reason for leaving but everyone knows that already, so I doubt I even have to state that.

As Humla already stated in his goodbye thread, I said I'd never leave FL, but well, I'm doing it now and you can say I didn't keep to my promise, but hey, that's life.

My leaving is not permanent, as many people have said: "Once a Fearlessian, always a Fearlessian", but right now, I won't be joining the servers, I'll be on the forums but not as active as I was before.

IF I join the server anytime soon it's probably because of a friend of mine forced me to play, and if not, it must be a pretty special reason.

I'll be seeing you all later, good luck to you all, I hope you enjoy playing FL for a long time, I'm sure you will.
Not another person to leave! I will miss you HellShell. You were a great friend and always will be. Lets keep in touch on Steam.

Good luck in the future.
Goodbye, HellShell. I wish you the best for the future.
Seems like every (not every but the people joining that community) person is leaving for the other community...

Have fun and bye.
Kind Regards,
Good bye, Hellshell. Good luck in the future.
Goodbye hellshell.
Goodbye HellShell, you shall be missed by many.
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Goodbye HellShell, best of luck in the future!
So many people have left during this week. Goodbye hellshell, you will be missed!

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