Banned without reason or warning
Your name: crazyjointje

Your ban ID: 32004

Banned by: I don't know who
Reason: Homo phobic name apparently

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I think someone has made a mistake. I was just minding my own business. I bought the doors to the top floor of the apartments on V33x and I just got banned all of a sudden. I was making a storage room for contraband as anyone else would and I saw someone had not bought any doors of the apartment below me and I saw weed pots. All I did was /request police at apartments, I found weedpots (cause the rules say only cops are allowed to destroy contraband) and then all of a sudden I got disconnected, prompted with a grey box saying: You've been banned from our server...

I don't know if I did anything wrong cause I just got banned without any reason. I think maybe someone entered the wrong IG name or ID or something. This all happened at about 12:44 GMT +1. Do you think I could get unbanned or at least get an explanation regarding my ban?

EDIT: Thanks to Killjoy I found out my ban ID which I have added now along with the reason of my ban. I have been playing on this server for several days now with this steam name crazyjointje King cigarette of Mexico and someone decided to ban me for this now? Shouldn't I be asked first to change my name?
Ban ID 32004. Use the bans page to fill out the template properly.
Thank you Killjoy, I edited my first post with the ban ID and some extra stuff.
I was the banning administrator.

Your Steam name read: crazyjointje King F*g of Mexico (I added the *).

General rule number 14: No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats. This is sexual discrimination in your Steam name.
Isn't that rule pretty unclear if I do say so myself? It can be interpreted in many ways. It doesn't literally say that names can't contain content like this. I believe since it is nowhere to be found in the steam Agreement my name is in no way harmful. I have never met anyone who felt offended by my name. If you guys think you could just ban me, then I have to figure out myself why I got banned, make a thread to fight the ban just to hear that this admin interpreted the rules in such way which makes me seem like I broke the rules.

I know the ban is 24 hours. Make it permanent, I don't even want to be part of a community which treats it's future customers like this. I have had this name for several months, it's my choice if I want my steam name to be called this.

Have a nice day everybody, consider this as me never coming back. You can ban my account on the forums too if you'd be so kind.

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