Unban request You Got Twisted
Unban Request
Your name: You Got Twisted

Your ban ID: 31948

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: Random tranquing, RDM

Involved: No one else is involved which is why I am confused, I did nothing wrong.

Why we should unban you:

Okay first of all i have no idea why i got banned for that because im kinda confused i didnt really Random tranquing, RDM you might be mistaking because i dont RDM/ tranguing people
Firstly, copying parts from other unban requests and putting it in your own is a bad choice.

Your "involved" part contains exactly the same as the below topic.

First you killed an officer. Now, since I did not see the scene from the start, I didn't intervene. You then proceeded to run to the Nexus, tranq him, then kill him with an M4, just as he spawned.

I am really not liking the lies here.
but where is the proof that i did that? it wasnt even a br so.. and im sorry narc first nban req did my best sorry :L
I was undercover and watching you on v2p.

Here are the logs as well.
[03:45:12] [FL:RP] You Got Twisted (STEAM_0:1:59703345) Killed: dipper (STEAM_0:0:63315822) using weapon_mad_m4 - First kill
[03:45:22] [FL:RP] You Got Twisted (STEAM_0:1:59703345) has used 1 ammo_darts - you equipping tranq ammo
[03:45:59] [FL:RP] You Got Twisted (STEAM_0:1:59703345) Killed: dipper (STEAM_0:0:63315822) using weapon_mad_m4 - You killing him again. Within the same minute.

Give me a single reason not to extend your ban for blatant lying.
well you got the proof good job well ima get this ban and those days i dont mind but was worth a try ^^ but do you do that to other people to? other people that does this get away so thats why i wanted some proof well Cheese am i supost to delete post now? ^^
No. Your ban will be extended due to the fact you had no problem with blatantly lying to my face.

Denied, ban extended.

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