the dc's...
hey peeps,

i rlly enjoy playin on the servers.. but there is one thing i truly hate!
and that when me and friends have been building for like a hour or two, and when ur about to rp/ or even just putted down ur contra u get dc'd..

wy is this? is it a crash or a restart once in a while? if it is a crash can it be fixed?

thanks for reading anyway

keep it up fearless!
[Image: 5fenn6.jpg] some real art
I believe the servers has been under DDoS attack lately so I think that is the problem.
Every once in a while the server will crash or restart. It is normal but it shouldn't be happening a lot, maybe every 7 hours or so, depending on time of day, traffic, props spawned, etc.
(05-17-2013, 05:08 AM)Aviator Wrote: Every once in a while the server will crash or restart. It is normal but it shouldn't be happening a lot, maybe every 7 hours or so, depending on time of day, traffic, props spawned, etc.

is there a way i can know hwen its happening so i know i dont have to afford building before the restart?
[Image: 5fenn6.jpg] some real art
Recently it's because the servers are being attacked.

But normally servers are scheduled to restart automatically at a certain time.
(05-17-2013, 11:44 AM)iKirby Wrote: Recently it's because the servers are being attacked.

But normally servers are scheduled to restart automatically at a certain time.

They never restart automatic, if theres restart it's because something is wrong with gamemode etc. Admins will normally warn over console that a restart will come.
There is no schedule for restarts. They are spontaneous after an issue with the server when a restart is needed.
The server's are DdoS'ed rather oftenly.

If you want to keep your creations, simple dupe them. A crash/DdoS on the server does not last very long, therefore it doesn't necessarily ruin your roleplay. Just make sure that you have got a backup of your creation, so that when the server does in-fact crash, or restart you are ready to carry on the role-play as soon as the server is back up.

The problem with you losing your contraband, happens to everyone, who in-fact has contraband. Sometimes the server happens to crash when you have contraband, and sometimes it doesn't; It's just a simple fact of you placing your contraband at an inconvenient time.
thats my prob i suck at weld/dupe... >.<

but anyways thanks for your time..
[Image: 5fenn6.jpg] some real art
welding and saving with adv dupe is not hard at all, weld is a simple tool where you click 2 props and they are welded together
adv dup once all probs are welded or linked in some fashion just right click with adv dupe to grab the dupe
you can see a ghost of your dupe at this point, then click save and enter name

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