F1 Menu Problem
Hey, wheneever I press F1 and go to market or my inventory some of the images for the items don't appear? Like the hostage rope for example, its just a blank screen. It may be as I dont have HL2 or CS:S only content packs for them? I'm not sure, if thats the problem I may just have to go and buy them.

Thanks in advance!
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
The Content pack that Fearless provides should not give you blank images. I think what you should try to do is re-install the Content pack and Materials and see if that will help in any way.
Sincerely, TotallyGG
Community Member & Donator

Okay will do thanks.

Sadly, nope nothings changed and there's still blank images.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
Tried numerous things and I still have blank squares on where images of things should be, any ideas anyone?
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
How are you installing the content pack? Are you doing exactly as the ReadMe says?
Yep, I get no errors as well when I spawn the items using the Q command.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
Drop me a PM and I can link you to the fix. I cannot post it here since it could breech copyright laws.
Kind Regards,
Did you spam F1? Re-connect.
No I never spammed F1, in my whole 212 hours it's been the same.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck

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