BR on - NONRACIALSLUR - Prop Block
Name of player: NONRACIALSLUR

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35782740

Time in GMT: 8:50 CST to 9:00 CST

Server: [FL] FEARLESS v2d

Summary: Walked into an apartment to find this rebel (NONRACIALSLUR) prop blocking himself behind a fence to avoid arrest. No keypad in sight anywhere.


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Umm no. I came in a bit after this. You didn't even show whose prop it was. I came it because he put in ooc someone trapped him. It was a guy with a weird number character for a name (ill find it later) and he trapped him in there. After we got him out with a chair I walked towards the prop and it was fine but you couldn't walk out. It wasn't his fault. The other guy will get banned. I have some pics. I'll post then when I get the chance but this guy did nothing wrong.

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