Jason Ryder's Introduction (iKirby)
Hello everyone, my name is Jason Ryder, I'm 23 years old and I've recently moved to EvoCity. I'm fun loving guy who has a good sense of humour and can enjoy a good talk. My hobbies are fishing, taking a drive around the town and many more things, depending on the day. I'm hoping to stay in this town for a long time. Right now I'm looking for a long term job that I can get settled into to. Well that's enough about me, I hope to see you around the town.

Hey everyone, the main name I go by is iKirby, but you can also call me Ben. I've recently found this server, just by browsing I guess. I wanted a serious-ish RP server and this is the server I found. I'm hoping to stay at the community for some time, as I do enjoy a good RP server. I'd like to think of myself as a mature serious RPer, but fun RPs can include serious RP too!

I don't have a set map I play on, I basically go on whatever server I can at the time, but I do prefer V33X. The main role I RP is a doctor, but I've started to RP as a SS Agent as well, which has been pretty fun.

I think my introduction has been too long already.. A lot of people probably won't read it all, but thanks for taking the time in looking! Hope to see you around on the servers.
Welcome to the community Jason! I'll see you ingame!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Hello Jason,

Welcome to the Fearless RP Community !!
See you soon,

[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
Hello Jason. Welcome to Fearless and the Fearless Forums. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thanks for the friendly welcome everyone, I really appreciate it.
Hey welcome to fearless
Make sure to read the Rules
and most of all have fun

Hi i am professional instinct most call me instinct, if you need any help or advice around the server feel free to let me know visit my profile and click the send professional_instinct a pm link have fun Smile

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

Hello and welcome to FL.
Welcome to Fearless!

Make sure that you read the rules, and it is advisable to take a look at the guide to!
Nice to see a combination of character and player introduction.
It's always good to see a new face (well kinda) in the forums!
Cya 'round buddy.
(05-12-2013, 05:28 PM)Callos Wrote: Nice to see a combination of character and player introduction.
It's always good to see a new face (well kinda) in the forums!
Cya 'round buddy.

Thank you Cheese I thought it would give an insight of the character I roleplay and the real me I guess, glad it worked.

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