Narcotic Demote Abuse

Time/Date:Around 20:10

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:23371144

Name of Administrator:Narcotic

Evidence:The server logs,

During a game today on rp_evocity_v2d at around 20:10 the admin Narcotic demoted the president and the entire SS force including me from Head SS from their roles and made himself the President and allowed only his friends to be SS. When I tried to join the SS in an open slot I was instantly demoted for the reason being that only his clan was allowed to be the SS and no one else since they weren't "As good" as them.

I can't remember all the names of the SS involved yet I know one was 'Dog.' and the President name was 'Jamie'. The only evidence I have of this is the ingame chat which I'm sure is recorded in the logs along with the demotions.

Thank you
I have my preferred Special Service team that I know can carry out a job professionally and correctly. I require gasmasks, therefore 10 RP points, another reason as to why you were not included to be in the force. You repeatedly argued the matter in OOC even after warned to stop doing so.

I'd rather have people that I have trained with, worked by the side of and that I trust and know to surround, defend and be a part of my governmental roleplay.

Use the template.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
Fixed the post to fit the template.

Narcotic But you still demoted The President and the entire SS team without warning. I've asked SoulRipper about this and he told me that's admin abuse to demote the president and then become him. I understand you wanted your own team but you don't know what me or the others SS were capable of and we had to wait a long time to get to where we were only for you to demote us. The only SS you kept was the one who earlier (although i don't think you were on at that time) killed another SS agent.
I get the fuzzy feeling that you might be leaving something out.
Nope. You can see in the logs me nor any other SS agents had even interacted with Narcotic when this happened. We were all confused by why we were all demoted but when I asked the reason it was as Narcotic said earlier "I'd rather have people that I have trained with" but even then that doesn't explain why the President was demoted and why I couldn't be in the SS later on when there was a place.
I didn't demote the president, the president gave up his spot to me with own will.
First of all (after server crash) I asked the President if he would allow us to continue the RP we had prior to the server crash. He PM'ed me back saying he would gladly give up his spot for Narcotic. I then took the spot from him then proceeded to give it to Narcotic in order to carry on our roleplay. He did not demote the President.
If I recall correctly from being there Narcotic did give a reason. In fact myself and Grub made sure he did so this wouldn't happen. I remember his reason being "I am cleaning up my forces to hire highly trained men which I trust and have worked along side" He broadcasted this then demoted HSS followed by another SS which bother were fairly new. There is nothing wrong with what he did and unlike most he even gave a real RP reason.
Not an abuse matter, Narcotic did not take anyone to take their job.

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