Ancient Unban Request
Your name: ISaySup

Your ban ID: 993 (As you can tell it was a LOONG time ago)

Banned by: Killjoy

Reason: Minge with attitude issues.

Involved:: Just me.

Why we should unban you: Okay, Hi.

So a few years back I was an immature brat and I managed to get myself banned. I was however if you can remember a rather active member of the community, I even at one point wrote a guide on being Mayor.

I would just like to apologize for the way I behaved, certain things annoyed me and being the idiot I was I thought I knew best. Hell, I even remember going to a certain imageboard with a teenage angsty rage and trying to get the community which was alot smaller then DDOSed which was pretty fucking stupid.

I am here to ask if I could once again play again. I am doing this with the uttermost respect for the community and the work the admins do. I am nineteen now, at college and I consider myself to be alot more mature. I wish to relive the fun I used to have on the fearless servers obviously minus the minging.

While I know unbanning me does nobody any favors I'm asking out of my sincerest apologies that you can find it to forgive me. You can tell from the Ban ID that it was a long time ago and I would like to think that I have been banned long enough and over the last couple of years I have learned to control my temper.

Thank you.

Regardless of the outcome of my plea I wish you all the best successes.
Isn't this like your 3rd forums account? And have you really matured that much in 2 years?
(05-06-2013, 12:26 PM)Killjoy Wrote: Isn't this like your 3rd forums account? And have you really matured that much in 2 years?

It probably is. I haven't signed up multiple times for fun though, I'm a bit of a sponge when it comes to passwords and usernames. I'm trying to rectify that by sticking with one username and one email address.

I believe I have and although I don't expect you to trust me straight away but it would mean alot to me if I could be offered the chance to prove that I have matured and can take part in the community. I have 700 and something hours in Garrys Mod and 99% of that time was spent during roleplay.

Alot can happen in two years and truth be told my only issue was minging, I was never the type to use hacks so that isn't something you would need to be concerned about. I'm just yeah, here to apologize and ask for another chance.
My browser is reporting 4 replies but I only see three?
Scripts acting up perhaps.
Is there anyway I could have a resolution to this any time soon?

I was able to join the server yesterday during the attack and I thought I had been unbanned. I have found out that I am banned again.

I really would like to play on Fearless again. I really do feel like I've learned my lesson and honestly, being able to play on this server again would make my day, week and even month.

It's been two years so yeah, please consider it. It would mean alot.
Approved for a fresh chance.

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