Bye everyone.
Well, i havent been on the Fearless community for a long time but enough to make about 350 hours.

And to be honest, GMod bores me now.
That is why i will take a little break, you know, be with my friends, since i havent been that socially active the past months, like, home from school, play, eat, homework play, bed, and then over again. You might see me hop on the servers, or forums, just to say hi or know how its all going for you Wink

I havent made that many friends, infact, alot of people hate me, some for my style of RP, others because i am young, or maybe for some entirely other reasons.

That's about it, sweet dreams, see you soon.
Goodbye. It saddens me to see you leave, I am going to miss you. See you soon.
Noo! Not a good one!

Very sad to see you leave... *tears*

I hope ill see you soon, if not.. Goodbye.
Yours Truely,
Goodbye and take care.
Goodbye, see you in the future!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Bye! Good luck with the future.
Kind Regards,

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