Ban Request - ShArpy HD
Name of player: ShArpy HD

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63739510

Time in GMT: 14:00

Server: V2D

Summary: So I heard Garryfish say over advert he lost his car and as soon as he said that I seen it drive past me. I got out and went and asked him over push to talk what his reason for stealing it was. He turned around and said "I stole it because I like it"

Evidence: [Image: 518506eb25e13.jpg]
Kind Regards,
I can confirm this, i just made this account. I was gone for like 5-7 minutes to get some breakfast, and then my car was stolen. First i thought my car was impounded (due to laws), but then i checked the garage, and there was only some Citroen 7CV. Then i got a PM from Wood chopper to meet up at the pools. I saw that my car was stolen by the guy Sharpy HD, and he had stucked it into a tree, but i had an UMP equipped and i shot him. He had no reason to steal it, and this guy has also been random tazing, mass CDM etc today.

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