Unban request
Your name: Oopsy

Your ban ID: (30725)

Banned by: (Jamie)

Reason: NLR, Revenge killing

Involved: (Shani)

Why we should unban you: I dunno why i got banned . i didn't NLR O_O and my gf got banned with the same reason .
Jamie just came and just having fun and giving 8 bans on 1 second that's weird.
Its not unfair .

And my girl friend, Shani. Got banned on the same reason .
Please unban us .
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Warned - posted you own thread not in someone elses
(04-29-2013, 07:47 AM)x-trax Wrote: I also got banned for no reason by Jamie!!
I was jumping around in my house when like 5 ppl raided me... i jumped in the back yard and jumped over a fence with a prop (i could have jumped over with no props but it was to hard) and then when i left a bit later it says i am banned for Prop Climbing and Prop pushing. I did not prop push for sure...... Admin abuse

Yep me neither i only was hanging with my gf , and we walking in our base .
Boom banned , NLR O_O
Why you don't answer ? and another threads yes?
Give the banning administrator time to review your thread. Also, don't bump it.
(04-29-2013, 12:04 PM)Doomdude1 Wrote: Give the banning administrator time to review your thread. Also, don't bump it.

Everyone getting reviewed , and i not ..
As I said, give it time. Now stop posting unless related to the specific case, in other words, stop bumping.
I was on the server under a different name, I wrote down some names of those breaking the rules and did them when I was done.

I watched you two run back with guns and kill the SS that killed you and stole your car. (Yes, The SS got banned too)

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