QWOP: Ragewquit (SO funny)
Before you watch, I will answer the question you probably have, what is QWOP? QWOP is an EXTREMELY hard running game where you use Q and W to control the running man's Thighs and O and P to control his calves, you are supposed to run forward this way by using these keys but the game is horribly hard to play. This is the video of a guy who gets very angry at his game, which is also very funny.

Rage Quit - QWOP: By RoosterTeeth (YouTube)
I know the game, and i laughed pretty hard on his raging here XD
ahhww awesome, realy awesome! I laughed so hard Cheese
I just played it now


The best one I could get was 8.7
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
I got to about 20 meters by doing this thing, where I put him in a split, and make his foot drag him forward. I like when the guy yells WHO PUT THAT WALL THERE?! and HE JUST DOES BACKFLIPS IN SLOMO ACCROSS THE ENTIRE FUCKIN GALAXY! lol its great, he does other ragequit vids too. Watch the one about Ikaruga or whatever its called, and the one about Trials HD. lol they are both funny.
Damn, it's pretty hard. Best I got was like 7.6
I made about 20.7 meter with just pressing QWOP rapidly but its fucking boring tacticCheese

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