Admins are too ban happy.
(04-26-2013, 06:14 AM)JackHarkness Wrote: Spartanjunior31 I have seen give equal treatment to all players [FL:RP] or not. However others I have seen turn a blind eye to people with more hours and [FL:RP] tags on. As long as the action does not involve RDM, CDM, Random Raid, or prop abuse, most [FL] or [M] don't really care.

Again, you're really just speculating. Inane complaints really don't help us, if you have actual concerns then we need names, specific events and crucially evidence otherwise there is nothing we can do.
I would be gathering more proof to back up my statements, however it appears I have been banned by that admin who would rather ban all his issues away than simply ask people to fix them.

As for names and proof, That ban I am talking about:

Ban # 30524 The reason is Cheeseouble Dooring + Violation of Door Rules.

I went on TS to talk with "[FL] Grub" who is the person who banned be. He said he was right there, and he knew I was at the front desk (on other side of door) and I asked him exactly what I have done. He said that I "double Doored" not allowed 2 people fit between a fading door and a world door. Then I asked him what other violations of door rules I broke. He said I had one large prop as fading door. I looked in rules for this, I did not see any. After I told him I could not find this rule he quickly changed subject back to the double dooring. I take it I broke no other rule that the one, yet my ban request says I broke at least 3: Double Dooring, and at least 2 other "door rules"

This is the unfair treatment and ban happy admin stuff I am talking about.
Then why creating this thread because of one specific administrator you've had issues with? Wouldn't it be better PM'ing him?
(04-26-2013, 06:34 AM)GhostRider Wrote: Then why creating this thread because of one specific administrator you've had issues with? Wouldn't it be better PM'ing him?

After talking with him on TS, he left the conversion and didn't want anything else to do with the matter. And I can't just make an unban request on a 24 hour ban. (Its in the rules that everybody keeps telling me to read) When its more than just one admin who would rather ban simple issues than solve them, a simple PM wouldn't solve anything.

Shall I point out another event that happened: I had a few barricades protecting me from CDM when I was building a president approved checkpoint to keep banned vehicles out of the city (with a door to allow cops,fire,and medical vehicles through. A [FL:RP] player got all upset and posted a BR with a 11 second video of him running into the checkpoint, he would have CDMed me if those few barricades were not there, and showing it was my prop. Instead of looking at the video proof I replied on the BR he simply banned me for a day completely disregarding the BR.
"He would have CDMed me" is not a vaild excuse. Road blocks must be breakable.
If you feel an administrator/moderator is abusing his powers, make sure to acquire evidence and post in the appropriate section. A general rant without any factual evidence, which is angry at the system, is not productive at all...
Read the rules please. Admins and Mods don't have to give out warnings to players that they don't feel need reminding of the rules. I advise before your ban is lifted, read the entire rules again to ensure you don't break them again.
Kind Regards,

It is difficult to gather information on admin abuse when you are banned... This makes it difficult for players to give evidence against bad admins, because they just ban and then they cannot gather more evidence other than once case. And just like before admins won't accept evidence against admin abuse if it is just once. However if a player does something they shouldn't, just once is good enough for the admin to ban them...
So... When a player gets banned and makes an abuse thread which has no evidence and gets denied, that is weird, right? First off, noone is "randomly" banned. There is no baning without proof. Just look at the Ban request section.
Hmm I do recall me getting banned randomly without warning by an admin. After posting an unban request it turns out the stupid person who made the original BR had the wrong Steam ID. it was an "accident" be regardless, it still happened. So yes, Random Bans DO happen. And when some proof is given, it normally gets turned down unless its like video, with audio,with TS, with pics, with literally everything including recordings of what was going through the admin's head at the time to ban him. It is impossible to get video proof of something that happens without warning when you don't record every second of ever minute that you play gmod.

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