Please Unbann Me!
Your name: Gary Lintago

Your ban ID: 30127

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Reason: Mass CDM

Involved: Like 4 or 5 People who I ran over!

Why we should unban you: Well I love your servers and im not trying to get you to feel sorry for me or nothing , I was a black market dealer and i just wanted to sell 1 lock pick to some guy and all 5 dropped (i didnt know it was going too happen) he took 3 and i only got 2 back so I lost alot of money and he had this green mustang! So I got revenge by lock picking it and im a bad driver plus the car was in third person which I didnt know how to switch back to first and I accidently ran like 4 or 5 people over in the procces of getting away! Thankyouu for reading! I hope I get unbanned so I can get back too my clan!
Do not reposta unban request... You were doing it on purpose.
Lets see, you could of got them back, maybe with help from admin
but instead you said he could have em, so why revenge after giving?
then there is the fact that hes a new player and doesnt own a a mustang
and you ran 5 people over in less than 2 mins

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