Banned for trying to find the President after he disappeared
Your name: Duckiedan

Your ban ID: 30062

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude 1

Reason: Utter FailRP - Conspiring to kill the President as government

Involved: Me, big_splash, QUICK SCOPER XX 69 XX FO LIFE X and Snarf

Why we should unban you:
I had recently donated and decided to be an SS, After spawning I went to the top floor and the Presidents office was blocked of by a door and he was not answering warrants. I started to check each floor to see if he was there when I was joined by Snarf. With no luck finding him we left the Nexus to continue the search. When I got out QUICK SCOPER XX 69 XX FO LIFE X called me over and said theat the President had gone rogue and had stolen his car, I left to see if i could find him, not to kill him, but to either get him to leave the job (as he wasn't bothering) or get him to come back. At no point did I say I was going to kill him, I only asked where he was.
I feel I have not done anything to warrant a ban, as it was a misundrstanding in my case. I understand that the Police and Special Service must stand by the President in times of need, but when he is commiting crimes thay cant go against the law.
But like I said, I was never going to kill him.
I hope to hear a reponse soon as feel this ban was a misunderstanding

Something you did had to give the admin the impression that you're out to kill the president, meaning you're not telling us the whole story.
I am telling the whole story, the other police officers were saying over the radio that they were going to kill the President, at no point did I say I was going to kill him, I only asked where he was. The only reason DoomDude1 thinks that is that all the police were saying they were going to kill him, and i was just trying to get him back to safety.
The situatiot (from the point of my observation, which was right besides you) was this:
First Quick Scoper complained about the President stealing his police car (the President got punished as well) then he said (I'll try to quote as close as I can) "The President has gone rogue, we have to kill him", upon which he proceeded to convey that message in the radio to the other government forces.

Snarf (the President's bodyguard, up to that moment), big_splash and you were on the scene. Upon hearing Quick Scoper, you replied "Alright, let me spawn my car" and drove off to find him.
Ok I know it have seemed like I was going to kill him but I wasn't, had no intention of murder that day. All I was going to do was find him and bring him back.
And when I said "Alright let me spawn my car", (my tone is hard to convey over text) but I said it slower and cotemplatory of how I would fine him, not kill him.
What me and the person who created this unban request had a good reason to kill him. For one he was a really bad President, he didn't accept warrants or anything. He was working with the Corleonne being a traitor, He stole my car and we couldn't stop him without killing him because we couldn't vote to demote him because he controlled the votes, and we didn't kill him someone else did, who i forget the name of, so please if you could unban both of us because it wasn't FailRP it was clearly Kinda Unfair on us RP.
There is no such thing as "Kinda Unfair RP". You were attempting to commit a team-kill.

You had several acceptable options:
- Take screenshots or record him not doing his job then post a ban request
- Go to Citizens, make up an RP about how you quit the government because it was corrupt etc. then proceed to force him to do his job

Instead of these options, you chose to drive off into the sunset, attempting to commit team-killing and backseat administration.
Like i've said before I never intended to kill him , just convice him to come back and do his job.
Sorry for the fact that it was team kill, i was gonna donate tommorow but i can't since i'm banned for a reason that i shouldn't be, if i done what you said i could've done nothing would of happened and if i screen shotted it no admins were on at the time so i thought to tell. Well i loved that server Angry but now i can't even play it, i understand i done wrong but it was for right reasons and you didn't even ban the person that killed the President. so Sorry Sad
First off, donating doesn't change a thing, so why bring it up?

Second off, this is DuckieDan's unban request, other users can make their own.

Third off, you could have used /radio, /pm hell, most people would've used OOC by that point. Why did you decide (after the conspiracy situation) to go after him personally?

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