Ban Request - s7zero7, Unholy and Hunter
Name of player: s7zero7, Unholy and Hunter

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42279160, STEAM_0:1:38401751, STEAM_0:1:61781382

Time in GMT: 20:00

Server: v2d

Summary: While I was President, these 3 citizens made their way up to my floor and immediately pulled out their guns and restrained me in a hostage rope. When I asked them for their reason to raid, they claimed that I was being ignorant with the laws and that the forces were acting corrupt.

I had been President for about an hour by the time this happened, and I had a set of laws binded to a key so I could repeat them exactly the same every time (speed limits - 20 inside the city, 50 outside. All drugs, except weed, are illegal. Only pistols may be used for self-defense. No jaywalking.). I broadcasted the laws every 10-15 minutes. s7zero7 didn't feel that this was frequent enough, but either way, they were being broadcasted repeatedly for everyone to see.

He also stated that my laws were due a changing because of how it had a corrupt impact on the cops, however I hadn't seen a single person complain about the cops, or a single person requesting the laws to be changed. He later stated that I didn't even set the laws at all, when I did, otherwise I would've broken the perma laws.

When the first set of people finally showed up, a man in a suit broke out a weapon (disobeying FearRP) and opened fire. Then an unarmed Corleone approached and Hunter killed him.

Even more people showed up and a firefight ensued.

I must of been on the server for an hour or more, I heard no laws, just cops running around being corrupt and shooting people, I tried to make something passive and that failed.

You should also understand that we did not raid you, we was only intending to threaten you, on our way up we caused no harm to anyone until the black market dealer and his corleone friend broke Fear RP on us and when the cop also broke it and told people what we was doing. The real raiders were the others that came up.

Also, we wasn't the ones who killed you it was the 'FBI' who came up and broke Fear RP to kill us who shot you.

  • A surprise attack by a small armed force.
  • A sudden forcible entry into a place by police: a raid on a gambling den.
  • An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.
  • A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.
  • An attempt to seize control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its stock.
  • An attempt by speculators to drive stock prices down by coordinated selling.

If you look in the chat at 1:41 you would see me threatening the Corleone and BMD to go away, they failed my command. Even when I killed the Corleone's friend he failed to listen to my commands, I had no choice but to plant a bullet in him.
I had joined the server at the same time as hunter, as we are friends, and I swear we saw no laws, no laws being reposted and police running around shooting people for no reason, and you didn't seem to be doing your job properly and just taking in taxes.

In some case you did post the laws and we just didn't see them for some reason, we apologize, we were only trying to get you to take control of your 'corrupt' cops.
(04-18-2013, 03:40 PM)s7zero7 Wrote: I had joined the server at the same time as hunter, as we are friends, and I swear we saw no laws, no laws being reposted and police running around shooting people for no reason, and you didn't seem to be doing your job properly and just taking in taxes.

In some case you did post the laws and we just didn't see them for some reason, we apologize, we were only trying to get you to take control of your 'corrupt' cops.

I understand if you weren't aware, but I didn't see any malicious activity being taken place over the radio. The cops appeared to be requesting warrants for such things as confiscating illegal weapons, dealing with contraband, stopping someone who broke the speed limit etc...all of which applied to the laws I had been enforcing.

As far them randomly killing people off, I wasn't informed of that at all, and I wasn't purposely influencing them to commit such actions. So for that I do apologize.
When I was on the streets I saw about 3 cops shooting at one car for speeding while another cop rams into me leaving me with about 4 HP left.

But if we can settle this in a better way than a ban request since we both might of been misunderstood then that would be good.
All I can say is that I was definitely keeping a set of laws active. If you looked at the console while it was open in the video, you would see both the broadcast itself and my command binding it to a key.

I posted a BR because I wasn't as much concerned about how you were executing your plan to hostage me, but more that my actions involving the laws were ignored, and that it contradicted with you saying in-game "you never set any laws".

You've said yourself that the police were acting aggressive and that they looked as if they had a false sense of direction, but my only argument towards that is I was not aware, and I couldn't have been aware because I was cocooned inside the Nexus the entire time. I had no visitors requesting meetings relating to the police and I saw nothing out of the ordinary over the radio.
Well our plan was to do something different, a passive way to 'break' into the Nexus and threaten the president to do what we want him to do without hurting him or anyone else, that plan failed once someone actually tried to raid you. Once they ran in our plan changed from threatening you to actually trying to save you from the raiders. We saved you from the raiders but one of your cops put a bullet in your head by mistake.

The whole plan went to shit and I'd never thought it would turn out like this.
Apparently I've already been banned for this , which I think is just stupid since nobody had evidence of me doing anything at the time.

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