Unban request [No Reason Ban]
Your name: BOTnim [iSR]

Your ban ID: 29898

Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: fail RP (random shooting) General rule 5 after warning

Involved: I don't Remember his name but there was 2

Why we should unban you: My ban as no reason .. in nowhere I have been shot at a bus station in a middle of a convesation to unban my friend .. And it was not in porpous... i was shot 1 shoot on a nothing and after I asked him to unban Disconnect: you have been banned from our server... or something... please unban me ... I didnt do anything

and just for u to know .. I was helping ALOT of peapol and im like to be an officer... I've played 1 day and now i got 10Hour's...

Sorry for my bad English
I told you to stop asking about unbanning your friend, he was caught breaking the rules. I warned you again, you started firing on the bus stop and argued with me about his unban. I warned you about bothering me about the issue and even told you what your friend could do to dispute this, you bothered me again. You fired multiple shots on the bus stop for no reason what so ever, you had multiple warnings not to argue or continue with the subject. You were informed you were breaking the rules by doing so. You were suspended because you wouldn't listen and you were shooting your gun at nothing for no reason what so ever.
(04-16-2013, 01:47 PM)Jokhah Wrote: I told you to stop asking about unbanning your friend, he was caught breaking the rules. I warned you again, you started firing on the bus stop and argued with me about his unban. I warned you about bothering me about the issue and even told you what your friend could do to dispute this, you bothered me again. You fired multiple shots on the bus stop for no reason what so ever, you had multiple warnings not to argue or continue with the subject. You were informed you were breaking the rules by doing so. You were suspended because you wouldn't listen and you were shooting your gun at nothing for no reason what so ever.

Instead BANNING ME u could tell me stop shooting the bus .. and its not so creepy to shot 2 shots on a plastic .. dont you think ? you could just jail me .. for 15 minutes...
just. listen.. I have been in the server 1 day, and I played 10hour's im playing with an friend .. who expaining me the rules... if I just do anything wrong, just tell me... wont happend again, I promise... I LOVE this community .. and I was about to donate for 100k and SS ... me, and my friend... ok ? so please unban me ...
See that's the thing, I did warn you about repeatedly asking and telling me to unban your friend. After a few times I got tired of it, obviously you didn't want to learn.
(04-16-2013, 05:11 PM)Jokhah Wrote: See that's the thing, I did warn you about repeatedly asking and telling me to unban your friend. After a few times I got tired of it, obviously you didn't want to learn.

Just. Please, unban me. wont happend again. I just want to play normally ... al the day im on Facebook .. im so bored.. I cant wait .. if anything happend, just warn me.
You broke the rules, you ignored the admins instructions. Appeal denied.

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