Ban Request - Toxic & Undead Hynes
You said "You know we can legal lie to you,right?",that's the part,you lied to me.
(03-25-2013, 08:25 PM)Mr.Dragon GR Wrote: You said "You know we can legal lie to you,right?",that's the part,you lied to me.

Seriously, do some research.

Quote:"It’s not just lying about being a cop, by the way. Cops are allowed to lie about anything.

Let’s repeat that: The police are allowed to lie to you… about anything.

The most common example of this is police interrogation. The cops are allowed to use any deception they like, in order to get a confession.

For example, they can tell you your partner’s being interrogated upstairs, and just confessed, so you’d better come clean if you know what’s good for you (when they haven’t even arrested your partner yet.) They can say the victim told them you did it before she died (when she’s actually still alive, and never said anything of the sort).

The biggest lie (and one that works all the time) is that this conversation is strictly off the record. “Just between you and me.” Nothing you ever say to a police officer is ever off the record. If it can be used against you, it will.

The second-biggest lie (also one that works all the time) is that, if you come clean, the officer will make sure you get treated leniently. He’ll make sure the DA gives you a lighter charge. He’ll put in a word with the judge to make sure you get off with a lighter sentence. He’ll only arrest you for the misdemeanor. Complete horseshit, of course — that cop’s going to make sure you go down for whatever it is you just confessed to — but it works all the time. People cut their losses, seeing themselves in a hopeless situation, and grasp at the opportunity to at least minimize the bad.

Oh, and if you think innocent people don’t do that too, then you’ve got another think coming. Innocent people do confess to crimes they didn’t commit, for a variety of reasons. (That’s a subject for a whole nother myth.) And lying cops is one of the big ones.

And the cops are completely within their rights to lie this way. Unlike prosecutors and judges, who have professional ethics to comply with, the police are allowed to use whatever lawful tools they have in order to solve a crime. It’s not against the law for them to lie. They’re allowed to.

And so they will. They’re trained to do it. They’re supposed to do it. They’re gonna do it."
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
You should too,"Cops Can’t Lie".
(03-25-2013, 08:30 PM)Mr.Dragon GR Wrote: You should too,"Cops Can’t Lie".

Keep reading.... You honestly don't know how to get past the first line, do you? MYTH
Quote:Myth #2: Cops Can’t Lie
Let me say it again, MYTH.

A traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon.

The lie was, "If you give me back my MP5, I'll let you go.".. Which I am able to lie about.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
I did,but you did failRP.

Also you cannot lie.

Also you cannot lie.
I think you're out of legitimate arguments.

Let me just quote it again to make you feel a little more understanding.
Quote:"It’s not just lying about being a cop, by the way. Cops are allowed to lie about anything.

Let’s repeat that: The police are allowed to lie to you… about anything.

The most common example of this is police interrogation. The cops are allowed to use any deception they like, in order to get a confession.

For example, they can tell you your partner’s being interrogated upstairs, and just confessed, so you’d better come clean if you know what’s good for you (when they haven’t even arrested your partner yet.) They can say the victim told them you did it before she died (when she’s actually still alive, and never said anything of the sort).

The biggest lie (and one that works all the time) is that this conversation is strictly off the record. “Just between you and me.” Nothing you ever say to a police officer is ever off the record. If it can be used against you, it will.

The second-biggest lie (also one that works all the time) is that, if you come clean, the officer will make sure you get treated leniently. He’ll make sure the DA gives you a lighter charge. He’ll put in a word with the judge to make sure you get off with a lighter sentence. He’ll only arrest you for the misdemeanor. Complete horseshit, of course — that cop’s going to make sure you go down for whatever it is you just confessed to — but it works all the time. People cut their losses, seeing themselves in a hopeless situation, and grasp at the opportunity to at least minimize the bad.

Oh, and if you think innocent people don’t do that too, then you’ve got another think coming. Innocent people do confess to crimes they didn’t commit, for a variety of reasons. (That’s a subject for a whole nother myth.) And lying cops is one of the big ones.

And the cops are completely within their rights to lie this way. Unlike prosecutors and judges, who have professional ethics to comply with, the police are allowed to use whatever lawful tools they have in order to solve a crime. It’s not against the law for them to lie. They’re allowed to.

And so they will. They’re trained to do it. They’re supposed to do it. They’re gonna do it."

Line by line, if you'd be so considerate.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
Again let me tell you,in the RP,they cannot lie,a lot of people have told me that they never can lie.
(03-25-2013, 08:39 PM)Mr.Dragon GR Wrote: Again let me tell you,in the RP,they cannot lie,a lot of people have told me that they never can lie.

Please, do tell. Please show me the administrator or the text from the team that says "I can't lie as a cop to get results". If you'll look at the cartoon closely you'll understand.

[Image: ruacop.png]

BlackDog: 1:38 PM - BlackDog: Hey faustie, question, can a cop lie during an interrogation to have the suspect confess, kind of like "We know you did this, your partner already  confessed" or "If you do this, we willtry to make it easier on you"
1:42 PM - [FL] Faustie: why not
1:42 PM - [FL] Faustie: cops IRl do it
1:42 PM - [FL] Faustie: the sneaky bastards
If there's nothing else you want to complain about, I'll take my leave.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
Lying as cop is corrupt cop.It leads to blacklist.
(03-25-2013, 08:47 PM)Mr.Dragon GR Wrote: Lying as cop is corrupt cop.It leads to blacklist.

Now you're scraping the bottom of the barrel after I gave you overwhelming legislature, enough to blow this BR out of the water. I even quoted a Super Admin. We're done here.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”

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