[Selling] Supra
Selling my Supra for 175k or trading against a Mustang+Money or Supra+Money against the Modena.

I'll offer 100k for the banshee.
Yes, Ok, you have my Banshee, but if you want to give me 100k afterwards... its ok, just pm meCheese
(04-25-2011, 05:14 PM)CaveSquirrel Wrote: Hi.

i am selling a Banshee for 165k.

Many weapons, 2 tranqs, 6 Aks, UMPS etc, just pm Me

What guns and how many and how much for them?
I have 3 Aks and 2 Umps left. 15 k for all?
Would you trade a Comet for the Banshee? If you want money, I can also add it.
I don't have a FL signature...
But look! I have BACON!

[Image: bacon.png]
No sorry, i already sold the Banshee, forgot to add.

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