Unban request - Gibox
Your name: Gibox

Your ban ID: 27580

Banned by: [FL:M] Jokhah

Reason: Racism, basing in offices, moderator disrespect

Involved: 57331

Why we should unban you: About ban reason:
Racism - our clan is called '*** With Attitude'. This is our roleplay, we are wearing black guy suits and doing highlighted *** (black people as you want to call it) things, e.g. playing rap music on microphones, driving around in a black hummer and so on. Sorry dude, if you can not accept the way we are, I do not think you fit your position. Also, we were playing with this clan tag over 1 month and noone was ever raised his concerns.
Basing in offices - we had our rebelrp going on with a base there and me and some others were having a contra there. Also, can you provide me with a specefic rule, that disallows contra in offices? No other admin has ever asked me to leave, not there, not in other offices.
I have no words about your stated reason 'moderator disrespect', I did not even had time to reply you.
I warned your buddy with you standing right there. Your clan tag was nig gas with attitude. I told him not to base there and to change the clan tag. I come back and your still there, the clan has changed to nig gers with attitude. Again, you guys wanted to not listen to my warning, you paid for it.
As much as we all love NWA, using the actual racist slangs is highly inappropriate in such a open social environment like fearless.

Ban will stand as issued.
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