Ban Request on Verenikin
[undefined=undefined]Name of player:Verenikin

SteamID: steam_0:0:35706539

Time in GMT: 8:00 AM

Server: V2D

Summary: I was president, Verenikin came in with a gun to hostage. reason was "vehicles banned". Verenikin made several demands.. After I had complied with all of them he executed me and then switched to President

*** Jim Crickets radios in: I cannot accept any warrants atm
(Radio) Vencentio De Luca: I have knocked out shanab5.
(<3) (OOC) Snipah3: good job
Piotr Verenikin: Order them to uncuff the Russian Outlaw.
Piotr Verenikin: Order them to let him go.
*** Jim Crickets radios in: all people in custody are to be released

At this time they were telling me i was to be executed over mic

(Local OOC) Snipah3: ive already complied with your orders

*** Piotr Verenikin releases the trigger and switches on the safety
(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] Nancy: Metagamin is when you use Out of character information in
character, there you go, dont use OOC info ic
Piotr Verenikin: Hmm, I wonder how it feels...
*** Piotr Verenikin switches off the safety
*** Piotr Verenikin aims
Player Matt has disconnected.
(Advert) Emma Cutmore: Need a gun dealer? come to UM

He then shot me with an AWP til I was dead

To admins: verenik killed me then became pres

I tried to insert screenshot, but the button wasn't working so it's here

You can see my death timer and that he's president
This is untrue.

Your police was chasing and later trying to arrest one of my members while I was up there. I ordered you to order them to leave him, which YOU did, but your officers did not. That is why I decided to do an RP execution on you. I even gave you extra time to try and make your officers comply with my demands, but you didn't use that time on that, you probably used it on calling the staff member who was busy at the time.
(03-18-2013, 12:39 PM)Verenikin Wrote: This is untrue.

Your police was chasing and later trying to arrest one of my members while I was up there. I ordered you to order them to leave him, which YOU did, but your officers did not. That is why I decided to do an RP execution on you. I even gave you extra time to try and make your officers comply with my demands, but you didn't use that time on that, you probably used it on calling the staff member who was busy at the time.

Correct, but you still broke rules by raiding to become president
I did not raid to become president. My goal was to get you to change the laws and then leave, but since one of my members was about to be arrested, I decided to get him free. Your cops didn't comply, you didn't demote then, that's why you left me with one choice, to execute you. I gave you plenty, plenty of time.
(03-18-2013, 12:43 PM)Verenikin Wrote: I did not raid to become president. My goal was to get you to change the laws and then leave, but since one of my members was about to be arrested, I decided to get him free. Your cops didn't comply, you didn't demote then, that's why you left me with one choice, to execute you. I gave you plenty, plenty of time.

I complied with all your requests to change laws as well as ask my members to release all prisoners. I also complied by telling all units to remain away from top floor of nexus. You killed me and then immediately switched to president
Once again you ignore the fact that your COPS did not comply. They were arresting, and then when told you wouldn't warrant even threatened to kill my friend.

Stop trying to leave out the important parts of this, it wont get you anywhere.
Provide proper evidence.

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