Ban Request on Clax25
Name of player: Clax25

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33939091

Time in GMT: 19:25

Server: v2p

Summary: so before i recorded i saw clax rdm a man for calling him fat (as a joke) and he flipped out and shot him in the face so all i got is him confessing he did it.

( i think that is still processing but i have more evidence to upload!)

More evidance...

will have some pics up soon!!


[Image: 5ytye6C.jpg]

[Image: BYtW4Wi.jpg]
[Image: 130321065341723405.gif]
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True i was there , if you need more proof just tell me i'll ad a couple of videos
I was there too. This post is legit.
(03-14-2013, 08:14 PM)Modx Wrote: True i was there , if you need more proof just tell me i'll ad a couple of videos

Provide your evidence.
Here you go:

Well i know the quality is very bad (no idea why) but you can see its him

Anyway one more question can i remove this video when the br got accepted / denied ?

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