Ban Request
Name of player: B3astR3l3as3d

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44398623

Time in GMT: Not entirely sure, but it was between 8:30 - 9:00 PM GMT+1

Server: RP_EvoCity_V33X

Summary: After chasing them down here they Numbad Abused ( no proof of that though :/ ), went in and closed the door, when I asked for a warrant, and tried to ram the keypad, I noticed it was a fake keypad.

Evidence: Here are pictures of me trying to ram the keypad:
[Image: C7X0QQ6.jpg]
[Image: eitCp3d.jpg]
[Image: FEb6l7R.jpg]
[Image: odM1zaH.jpg]
[Image: LwiHbV3.jpg]
[Image: Ara3ynh.jpg]
First of all, when he started shooting I didn't die.
Secondly, I rammed it over 10 times.
Don't start making up things here.
Ok im sorry, the keypad got screwed when i adv duped the base back it worked for me but i had my friend try it and it didnt work i fixed it im sorry for the misunderstanding.
I told you to replace it. But what you did instead was shoot me.
Ok im sorry i didnt hear you
Insufficient evidence.


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