MrDinner250 Unban Request
Your name: MrDinner250

Your ban ID: 26841

Banned by: [FL] Termin

Reason: Prop Pushing

Involved: buttered_toast
Why we should unban you: The reason you should unban me is because i was on the server for 2 minutes after starting to play with a friend as mentioned above. I then try breaking him out of jail and 3-4 people decide to jam me in a corner. I then decided to spawn a chair to try and kill myself. They then flip out saying im a prop pusher and i get banned. No body was killed and i don't really think anyone will even remember it. I didn't even get chance to choose a name on the server. Id appreciate an unban. Thanks, Mrdinner250
Using a chair to kill yourself is fail RP.
(03-11-2013, 04:00 PM)Jokhah Wrote: Using a chair to kill yourself is fail RP.

Im Learning
(03-11-2013, 04:00 PM)Jokhah Wrote: Using a chair to kill yourself is fail RP.

I saw the whole thing. People where shoving him in a corner and wouldnt let him go.
Even so, i don't think its worth a three day ban.
Basically I was called because Doctor Kula had a gun on you and you were messing with the cells while he had a gun on you. FearRP. You then procede to spawn a prop and try to push him/kill yourself to get out. You need to read the rules before you play.
(03-11-2013, 04:25 PM)Termin Wrote: Basically I was called because Doctor Kula had a gun on you and you were messing with the cells while he had a gun on you. FearRP. You then procede to spawn a prop and try to push him/kill yourself to get out. You need to read the rules before you play.

I'd been on the server about 5 minutes. It looked like a great server and i just want to play it again. Can i just be unbanned? I apologies for my lack of knowledge on cityRP but given the chance it will improve.
I will reduce it due to your being new.

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