WTF! Perma Ban
Your name: Officer Nasty

Your ban ID: 26709
Banned by: [FL] Grub

Reason: 'Scamming someone for a Volvo,Disconnecting won't save you '

Involved: Me

Why we should unban you:Its not my fault some kid dropped his Volvo then i took it he dropped his Volvo on the ground then i grabbed it and i didnt disconnect on purpose dude my internet is shit i dc all the time and it is not my fault that the kid dropped his Volvo on the ground maybe he shouldn't be dropping his car on the ground infront of strangers and its perma ban WTF why perma you could have asked me to give it back.
Why did you take the car?
RIP in Pepperonis.
How could they have asked you to give it back if you, coincidentally, disconnected right after taking it?

And the car was very likely dropped for a transaction, that's why it was dropped. With this I'd like to make it clear to you that it's no one else's fault that you took the car, the only one to blame was you.
Well it may not be scamming but it is minge grabbing
And unfair to the owner
Not sure why he dropped it. Maybe he was trading with someone else
I might have disconnected but right when my internet came back up like 3 mins later i got back on so he could have at least talked to me about it and its not my fault the guy dropped his car right in front of me

I took the car because im pretty sure me and any other person on rp if you see a car that has been dropped it is SCREAMING! free money anybody would have took it.

And also i truly do enjoy playing on your servers if i was a minge and did not care about playing on your servers i would not have posted this unban request i hope that you guys can try to forgive me for this even though i don't fully understand what i did wrong.
Could an administrator please review this post i have seen the other post and ya'll are looking at them but skipping over mine so if you could please look over this one it would be greatly appreciated.

I would also like to add that i love rp and i have never in my life gotten a ban on this server not once.
You can either wait for Grub to reply or if you really wanna rush things, I can close and deny this right now.
I would suggest not lying for a start.

kid dropped his Volvo then i took it he dropped his Volvo on the ground then i grabbed it

So shall we ignore all those private messages to the seller about buying the Volvo? Even the PM stating where you guys were meeting for the trade?

disconnect on purpose dude my internet is shit i dc all the time

I find it odd that as soon as you pick it up, you disconnect.

kid dropped his Volvo on the ground maybe he shouldn't be dropping his car on the ground infront of strangers

Even though you met in a private area with him.

its perma ban WTF why perma you could have asked me to give it back.

For one, scamming is not tolerated here. Clearly you thought in your mind you thought you wouldn't be caught.

Two, I don't exactly like how you're lying directly to my face. I suggest you start explaining why I shouldn't deny your unban request.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
I don’t really know where to start but I think saying sorry would be an idea. I'm sorry ok I really truly am. I screwed up. But these things happen when you get money hungry I know I shouldn't have left i was just like wow i just got this car I'm sorry i lied but I know that I can’t take it all back but I wish I could. I would really love to be unbanned im sorry i lied i REALLY! love your server and im a good role player i have never been banned before on the server i would be willing to return the car to him and i would like to apologize to him and you guys for lying i just really don't want to be perma banned this server means a lot to me ok, more than you know. It kills me inside to know that i have messed up really bad and im soo sorry for what i have done and i would like to play on the server that I care about so much.To have a true server that is well maintained is a rare opportunity, they are hard to find difficult to leave and impossible to forget. So if you guy's could please forgive me and find it somewhere to give me another chance it would be greatly appreciated. Smile
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
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I've been on CityRP for about 4-5 months now.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:16664115&b=9]

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