[Unofficial] Malkrin Industries
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Prison Commander
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35377420
Your Age: 13
Hours on FL Servers: 300 and something (Signiture)
RP Events you have been in: 6 - Two bankRPs, Zombie RP, Survival Island RP, Mad Scientist RP and a BankRobbery RP.
RP Point Amount: 0
Ban History on Fearless RP: No bans
Division you are applying for: Manufacturing (Tech')

In Character Information

I.D Photo (Optional): N/A
Full Name: Dr Jane "Prison" Smith
Weight (lbs): 160.2 (Aprox)
Height (Ft,inches): 5, 11 (Aprox)
Sex (Male/Female): Female
Age (years): 24
Blood Type: AB-
Martial Status: Married
Background: Jane was placed through many hardships, inculding the death of her mother after an explosion in a office building (in 1989). In 2000, she was left on the streets, but was taken in by two EvoCitian Tourists. Despite not reciving schooling for two years, she was gifted, and ended up getting a Doctorate in Physics and Chemistry. She now lives in EvoCity, helping the Goverment with advanced scientific projects.

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Labs, Nexus, A Road.
Zip code: EV01 N23

Suburb / City: Evocity

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 72, Surburia Lane.
Zip code: EV03 X19

Suburb / City: EvoCity

Why are you applying? I am applying to expand my knowledge, while helping fellow citizens of EvoCity. I also met Mr Malkrin when he was running the Fisheries, and wanted to meet him again.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Mr Doctorate, and I spent some time with the HART team (I was the Commander) where we had to install cameras and the like.

Why should we pick you for Malkrin Industries? Because I have more practial experiance than most others, and I work without complaint.

What will you offer Malkrin Industries? My time, my experiance and my knowledge.
Doctor Internet;

Developer, Systems Operator,
Data Protection Officer, Business Advisor,
Server Administrator, Community Moderator
Out of Character Information
Note: Malkrin Industries
Steam Name: sadn3rd
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43775661
Your Age: 17
Hours on FL Servers: ~165
RP Events you have been in: 5. 2 ZombieRPs, GhostRP (Hey, I got an RP point for that one!), Combine Attack RP and the Bank Robbery RP, which I failed to complete because of the connection troubles.
RP Point Amount: 1
Ban History on Fearless RP: One ban. It was a long time ago, but I remember it has to do something about raiding, but not "random raiding"
Division you are applying for: As far as I'm concerned, I have no building skills. I guess Security, unless those courses can provide me essential building skills. In that case, I'd apply for Manufacturing instead.

In Character Information

I.D Photo (Optional): Not really, maybe later.
Full Name: Vincent Holden
Weight (lbs): 166
Height (Ft,inches): 6'0''
Sex (Male/Female): Male
Age (years): 21
Blood Type: 0+
Martial Status: Single
Background: Vincent originates from London, he grew up at the City. His father, James Holden, was a stockbroker, and his mother Elizabeth was a diagnostician at the Great Ormond Street hospital. He did not have any friends, but he did not count that as an issue. Once he left High School, he went to the Department of Chemistry in Oxford to get his college degree. College wasn't easy, as he was a somewhat arrogant person. However, after college, he left London and ended up in Evocity, in which he currently resides.

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: The Tides Hotel
Zip code: 82384

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Not found
Zip code: Not found


Why are you applying? Because Malkrin Industries are a solid way into the better tomorrow, and I want to be a part of the tomorrow. Also, I have seen Malkrin employees and their hard work and professionalism and I thought organization like Malkrin can improve my skills and expand my knowledge. I also like the focus on technology and science compared to the most of the other organizations out there.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
As I said, I am a novice in building, though I might create a simple gate and whatnot. Basically, I came here to learn and to have some great RP along the way.

Why should we pick you for Malkrin Industries?
Because of my devotion to everything I take a part in and all the effort I will put into this.

What will you offer Malkrin Industries? Loyalty and trustworthiness.
Application Review In Process: Please wait for information upload...
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
Out of Character Information
Note: Malkrin Industries
Steam Name: [FL:RP] UTLonghorn12
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41812233
Your Age: 16
Hours on FL Servers: 412
RP Events you have been in: A few, uh, forgot the specifics
RP Point Amount: 13
Ban History on Fearless RP: 1 ban (For around 5 minutes... -.-)
Division you are applying for: Security, of course.

In Character Information

I.D Photo (Optional):
Full Name: Sprinkles Montgomery
Weight (lbs): 140
Height (Ft,inches): 5'7"
Sex (Male/Female): Male
Age (years): 22
Blood Type: O+
Martial Status: Polygamy
Background: Former Security Division Operative: Class A with now closed FUMUKU International. Once the company closed, I looked for jobs elsewhere, discovering Malkrin. Before working with FUMUKU International, I worked as a Police Officer in Evocity, USA, later being promoted to the Police Commander for that sector, and then a SS Agent for the President, stationed inside the Nexus Tower. After working in this position for a year and a half, I was promoted to the Head of the main SS division, tasked with keep the Nexus secure and making sure the president stays safe.

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 121594, Lake Shore Drive, Evocity, USA
Zip code: 85943

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 10293 Llama Circle, Downtown_v2p, USA
Zip code: 59945


Why are you applying? Former FUMUKU International Security Member, Class A, looking for new work in other security lines to provide good source of income for myself. Can provide excellent marksmanship, and is known for fierce loyalty. Good with many brands and types of weaponry, from rifles to handguns. Excellent in many guard positions, and has experience as an officer of the law, and a special service agent, including leadership roles. Also good with driving (i.e. evacuations & casevacs).

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Experience, including hands-on experience in multiple firefights, base defense, driving under fire, and more.

Why should we pick you for Malkrin Industries? Former Agent of FUMUKU International, experience with many different kinds of weaponry, as well as hands-on experience in firefights and quick-escapes.

What will you offer Malkrin Industries? Loyalty, Excellent Marksmanship, and I promise I will become a key asset in Malkrin's Security Division.

Division you are applying for: Technician

In Character Information

I.D Photo (Optional):
Full Name:Nicholas Montgomery
Weight (lbs): 160
Height (Ft,inches): 5'9"
Sex (Male/Female): Male
Age (years): 27
Blood Type: A+
Martial Status: Single
Background: Graduate from M.I.T., currently looking for a job in the technical/engineering field. During College, worked part time as a contractor employee, then later, as a electrician. Studied as an intern under a architectural designer and schematic planner. Older sibling to Sprinkles Montgomery, moved out before him to Lake shore drive, in a smaller home. After graduation, saved and moved to a slightly bigger household on the same street.

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 5351 Lake Shore Drive, Evocity, USA
Zip code: 58405

Suburb / (City)

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 1223 Lake Shore Drive, Evocity, USA
Zip code: 58405

Suburb / (City)

Why are you applying? Looking for a good source of income to be able to pay for household amenities and sustainability. Looking for a job in the Engineering/Technical field.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? See Below for Details

Why should we pick you for Malkrin Industries? Graduate from M.I.T, past experience with electrical circuitry, building design and management, and architectural design. Excellent with schematics and building design,

What will you offer Malkrin Industries? Undying loyalty, and my knowledge on architecture, circuitry, and construction.
Application Processing Complete

Malkrin Industries would like to welcome the newest additions to the company and to their respective positions within.

We welcome Sprinkles Montgomery (Longhorn), and Kayla Louise Hamilton (Campress) to the security division, you will be informed of the day of your training courses and classes in the near future.

We would also like to welcome Jane Smith (Prison Commander) to the Manufactureing division's Technician department, you will be informed of your training courses and classes in the near future.

Notice: Vincent Holden (sadn3rd) We require an inperson meeting before we can decide on your application, please Contact Carthusia Malkrin (BlackDog) to setup a meeting.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
Congrats to our new members. I look forward to working with you all.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
Congrats indeed.
Out of Character Information

Note: Malkrin Industries

Steam Name: Kiruclanz

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10987303

Your Age: Fourteen, almost fifteen.

Hours on FL Servers: Almost 200

RP Events you have been in: I don't remember all of them, but I can name a few. Two Vault RP's, one zombie RP (by Soul), a Half-Life 2 City RP (By a player who was president, either Narcotic or Salinsky helped with it), and my Bicycle's Funeral.

RP Point Amount: Four

Ban History on Fearless RP: 3 or 4 bans, but not too severe. Longest one was three days.

Division you are applying for: Builder

In Character Information

I.D Photo (Optional):
[Image: 100px-Mikeref.jpg]
Full Name: Kiru "Kinkycanz" Clanz
Weight (lbs): 180 Lbs
Height (Ft,inches): 5'11
Sex (Male/Female): Male
Age (years): 32
Blood Type: AB
Martial Status: Single
Background: Normal life, no criminal record. Career experience in architecture and law enforcement.

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 1234 Corleone Neighborhood, Evocity
Zip code: 12345


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Apartments, Apartment 1A, Evocity
Zip code: 12345

Suburb / City

Why are you applying?:
I've been trying new things, been trying to get a steady job, but I can't find one that pays good enough. I've been looking for a career to stick with, and I'm hoping Malkrin Industries is the one.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?:
I am educated in architecture and I have been told I'm very creative.

Why should we pick you for Malkrin Industries?:
I am a hard worker, I have plenty of experience, and I have done business with Malkrin Industries and I haven't done anything negative to the company so I am trustworthy.

What will you offer Malkrin Industries?:
I will build and construct many buildings and furnishings, and maybe even some contraptions. I am pretty good at marketing, so I could sell my creations for the highest fair price for the customer, and I will work both hard and quickly.

Trying to remember what that photo reminds me of.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
(03-09-2013, 09:37 PM)Toxic Wrote: Trying to remember what that photo reminds me of.

[Image: image.png]

[Image: Male07.jpg]

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