Poll: Should dupe houses be really expensive
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Dupe houses
How do you put down a dupe house if I bought one. Please tell me.
stupid signature keeps breaking
You have to weld everything together then use the advanced duplicator tool.
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Not if I made it I bought it off online market from someone to place it on ground
stupid signature keeps breaking
I'm assuming you already have it in your dupe list. If so find it open it.

Paste it frozen.

Make.sure to unclick these:
Paste at original location
paste at original axis
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Are you sure pasting it frozen is a good idea? Pasting frozen causes lag on the server, especially if it gets unfrozen.
If I was to buy a dupe how would I place it and what tool
stupid signature keeps breaking
(03-06-2013, 03:31 AM)SplinterSim4 Wrote: Are you sure pasting it frozen is a good idea? Pasting frozen causes lag on the server, especially if it gets unfrozen.

I wouldn't paste my house unfrozen Wink
(03-06-2013, 03:35 AM)jonahfink Wrote: If I was to buy a dupe how would I place it and what tool

Then him you buy off need to add you to his/her props so you can take a dupe of it.
Basically, you need to get the Advanced Duplicator Tool.

You then need to ask the Owner of the house once you have bought if to add you to their props.

Once you've done that, just right click on the house.

Then once you've got the dupe, to save it to your list, press Q and then go to Advanced Duplicator, click save to server and then it will be saved to your list and you'll be able to paste it.

Hope that helped!
Thanks I'll buy one now I think.
stupid signature keeps breaking

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