Unban Request DONNY
Your name: [ i Am ] Donny

Your ban ID: 26218

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: racism


I don't want my ban lifted, just shortened.I live in estonia and i dont know your culture, i have 2 friends , bestfriends they are both AFRO-ESTONIANS and we are always call each other *** and firstly i have learned this word from them and i cant just understand why this word means that you dont respect someone, hate and racism. so , if this word banned in your culture i will follow the rule and use it only to my friends ,but never on your server .So I feel a ban of20 days extremely unfair.
The ban for racism was not 20 days, it was for 3 days as shown in this ban request: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=27227

I have extended that ban due to the fact that that was your 8th ban, it's high time you revise your attitude and start following the rules, else you won't stay here for much longer.

Also, I hardly believe that calling someone a "black n****r" can be understood any other way that completely racist.

Unban request denied, sit your punishment out.

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