John256ish's Presidential Wedding
~ John256ish's Presidential Dream Wedding ~
The "I Can't Hear Shit" Edition

On that fateful evening in Evocity v2p, Madam President John256ish and StillNotBurnging exchanged vows and shared their first married kiss in front of all of the citizens on their wedding night. Celebrations were had, free booze was supplied, and party boats were cast and sunk.

Cars were lost, stolen, or stuck in the canyon that was the after-party. Where the party-goers got to watch the couple dance the night away on their first night married.

I came in at the right time when I saw this wedding being set up! I took a seat and fired up fraps. There were some official wedding photographers who had pictures and took video, but I don't know who they are, so if you have any pictures or video of the event, post it here!

Awesome, tho, the video doesn't work..
Kind Regards,
Oh that's a bummer, I'll have to reupload it tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know!
Ha ha, that was ONE FUN RP! I was president, and surprised i didn't get assassinated or prop killed or anything Tounge
The only part that i wish had happened differently is if the after party was better. Other than that, it was so much fun Cheese (I'm also surprised me and StillNotBurning didn't get a RP point for it, we set it up and everything, with help from The awesome admin Vauld)!!!

PS: I am still RPing being married with StillNotBurning, if you ever see us around!
I've put the video link up! I deleted all of the footage and I can't re-edit it to a higher quality, so this will have to do! I think it shows the night's misadventures pretty well.
I was the groom XD

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