Unblacklist Request
Steve Morse
aprox. 4:00pm 2/24/13
Steam ID:
Admin who blacklisted you:
im not sure it started with a j i think
Reason why you should be unblacklisted:
okay so i was customizing my appartment and i put a desk down that i thought looked cool and when i saw sitting in a chair the desk freaked out or something then i got stuck then someone saved me and he was accusing me of "propbanning" or something like "doorblocking" or i dont really know but he was really stubborn and wouldnt listen to me.. Then he banned from from spawning props for like 6 in game hours!!!!!! Thats crazy, i might as well stop playing the server rather than waste 6 hours of my life standing around in a video game doing nothing. :p honestly this whole thing was really frustrating all i was trying to do was kill time while i waited for my friend to pick me up.. im a pretty casual gamer i have no intent in hacking the server or cheating or whatever..... so please take some thought and reconsider my blacklist :/
The desk was blocking the door frozen in place and the chair was floating in the middle of the room, you were stuck in the ceiling and the guy in the apartment above you noted you were looking around in his apartment. You didn't call for an admin to get you out, however the guy that owned the apartment above you did call for the admin. When I asked you about the propblock at the door, you said you didn't do it and that the desk was hard to control and must have moved while you were stuck. The desk was in fact frozen in place and couldn't move as I tried to move it both by pushing it and using a prop to push it.

I called it as I saw it, then my internet died due to a storm so there wasn't any ability to reply to this sooner.
(02-25-2013, 07:46 PM)Jokhah Wrote: The desk was blocking the door frozen in place and the chair was floating in the middle of the room, you were stuck in the ceiling and the guy in the apartment above you noted you were looking around in his apartment. You didn't call for an admin to get you out, however the guy that owned the apartment above you did call for the admin. When I asked you about the propblock at the door, you said you didn't do it and that the desk was hard to control and must have moved while you were stuck. The desk was in fact frozen in place and couldn't move as I tried to move it both by pushing it and using a prop to push it.

I called it as I saw it, then my internet died due to a storm so there wasn't any ability to reply to this sooner.

No problem Smile And in response to how i didnt call for an admin, you showed up litteraly as soon as i got stuck. Also im not sure what you mean by the prop being frozen, i was stuck in the ceiling i wasnt able to move around, i wasnt able to look/walk around i dont think there an appartment above mine, all i saw was red so im not sure.
I don't mean to break the rules by bumping but I really want to play on fearless rp.. I just made so much progress in the server.. i bought a car i saved up for and stuff and i really don't wanna see it all go to waste. i so desperately want to play again, can someone please take another look at my post and at least say weather or not my request was approved or denied?

best intentions
-Steve Morse
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