Unban Request, Unfair filming and misleading
Your name: Rolorox

Your ban ID: 5993 i think

Banned by: Jamie

ReasonCheeseischarging weapons randomly with no reason
Team killing / Shooting Fellow Government
Random Stealing Cars

Involved: Rolorox, Nevinator, GhostBlade

Why we should unban you: Alright I really need you to look at this from my perspective and not just what the video shows cause I feel like Nevinator had been very misleading and the film didn't do any justice to why any of it was happening. I will address each point made by Nevinator. First Discharging weapons other than shooting the back of the cop car he was in where you can hear myself asking if this actually hurts him since I didn't know whether it needed to be a direct hit or on the back of the car. Nevinator did not reply to me so I asked again, after he replied I stopped shooting the car and then shot it again once he was out. But with the shooting/teamkilling/shooting fellow government it is me and a best friend of mine. It was 1:30 am EST Myself. and GhostBlade were just talking and taking little shots at eachother and then recharging health. If you watch at no point do I actually kill ghost blade with fun or car so I did not RDM or anything. Also with the NLR rule, myself and GhostBlade had been doing a passive RP all day as gun dealer and BMD. We never once broke a rule, and I haven't broken a rule up to now. Being 1:30 am there was no one on and the few people on were sitting around with contra. So we just took shots at eachother for fun and talked. Also if you notice with the stealing of the car, yes it was random and I apologize but we both took it right back after doing like a round as you see Ghost do. He cut off the video as I pulled away, which right after I backed up to him. So on the bigger note I'd like to point out that at multiple points me and Ghost try to get away from him to talk to each other at the hospital and such just giving each other playful shots and healing and Nevinator made it his mission to not only follow us, showing he himself had no intention of rp and getting in between us. At one point in the video as we are shooting the car you see Nevinator walk into our gun fire. This I think is unfair filming because we didn't harm anyone and tried to take ourselves out of the way if anyone was rping but at that point no one was and we made some bad decisions. Nevinator seemed to have no problem and gave us no warning that we were disrupting his game play in fact he made it seem like he enjoyed us just taking shots which is why I see this as misleading and unfair. At no point did he say he was filming because if he told us that these violations were making him distraught then we would have stopped in a heart beat. I just truly think it is unfair especially noting how hard we passive rp all day every day just to get banned from one half hour of having a little fun. I understand it is your job to review this with a critical eye but please understand the circumstances. We are all intelligent men and I want to continue to play on this server as I have grown very fond of it and a lot of people expect me to be on to help. I hope there is some way we can discuss and work this out. I apologize to Nevinator and the Admins for acting like such in game. But I hope the evidence shows I had no true intention to break the rules or undermine anyone.
You shouldn't have been messing around on the server even if it hasn't got many people on it. You broke quite a few rules in the video.
Can you please tell me which ones other than the obvious shooting at another SS which I never did kill, Nevinator's info is misleading and the video other than an obvious random shooting/hitting of another player (not even taking into account that it was a mutual fun thing where no one was losing an sort of experience) where did I break rules in a game where not a single person was rping enough to get me banned for an entire week? I would ask sincerely to have a couple other Admins look into this, it is my first time being banned and with the circumstances and setting in mind It feels a little harsh seeing as I never get even close to breaking rules during my normal rp playing. I would also like to bring up the fact that multiple times we ran away from Nevinator because we didn't want to ruin his experience or harm him, but just take shots at eachother with some guns to see how reliable they were like the TMP. Nevinator went out of his way to film us waiting for us to do something dumb to eachother he had been following us much longer than the video so this couple minute clips is the only out of ordinary things we did. I love rp and I would appreciate this be taken seriously because I feel Nevinator just followed us and posted this video because he likes getting people banned. A rule or 2 might have been broken but we would never ruin the experience because it happens enough to us. Just give us a chance, its not often admins are on to see how we truly play. The way this server works together to run a big rp is fascinating. I'd hate to go a week without that experience.
Considering the circumstances, I will reduce your ban/blacklists.

Blacklists reduce to 5 hours.

Ban reduce to a day.

Even if the server is empty, You shouldn't be messing around. If you want to mess around go on a different server or make your own.

Same goes for your friend.

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