Banrequest Iwan and MasterDrake90
Name of player: [FL:RP] Iwan
[FL:RP] MasterDrake90
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50728591

Time in GMT: 21:10 pm (norwegian time) GMT+1

Server: v2d

Summary: Iwan has been massCDMing (logs will prove me right)
Iwan and MasterDrake90 both went around town randommolotoving bases, including mine and prosto's base at MTL. I have MasterDrake90's confession in pm aswell.
So basicly, both of them had their jobs as "Terrorist" as a reasoning behind their actions.
Iwan also propclimbed into our base, but this is hard to prove.
Iwans chair as he propclimbed with:

First time they came and propclimbed over, we killed Iwan. His car was left behind:

They then came again, randomly molotoving, and we killed them again.

The fires they left behind.

Confession in PM:
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Norwegian time = GMT +1 i think.
RIP in Pepperonis.
Yeah I don't lie as I said but in my defence I only threw one so saying "they both went round town randomly molotoving" isn't true. But yeah sorry
We here at Fearless appreciate when someone comes clean and apologizes. Next time when someone tells you to break the rules... You take a screenshot of them telling you to and post a ban request. Dont let them take you down with them.

I have forwarded this to Iwan I want him to reply to this story before I give my verdict.
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Ok... We were using voice though so yeah... But thanks anyways.
MasterDrake is not the main problem, he attempted to molotov us only once, Main problem is Iwan because he broke NLR at least 5 times, molotoved us at least 4 times, and as you can see on screenshot, he propclimbed. + he encouraged other players to break rule.
I did not even talk to Anyone so I couldnt have encouraged people also I admit throwing Random Molotovs but I did not break NLR as my car had been Stolen by Doctor_Enzyme. But again, I'm sorry.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Evidence was not deemed sufficient, as accused player was not found violating rules.

[FL] Fultzy
Server Administrative Team

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