Unban request
Your name: BlueScattle

Your ban ID: 7903

Banned by: [FL] PrivateToast

Reason: Why do you come here and minge, RDM and failrP?

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: I think I've had my time to think now... What I did was stupid and immature and I regret it. I thought... Actually I didn't think when I did it, I just did it. I must've had something wrong going on inside my head to do what I did. I am not entirely sure how long ago this was, but I still remember how I did it, but not why... I've grown, physically and mentally, to realize what mistake I did was entirely wrong and I hope you, the administrators of such a great community can forgive that and give me a second chance here in this community.
I am truly sorry for what I did and it will never ever happen again. Not on this nor any other community, I know I probably don't deserve another chance and I understand why you wouldn't want to give me one... But please, take it into consideration and I promise I won't fail you again.
I don't know how else to express myself, other than promising and excusing...
Happily Insane
[Image: HNkLAJM.png]
Well, your ban history isn't anything extreme and it was a good 2000 bans between your perm and the previous suspension. It has been a while, coming up to a year or 9/10 months since you were banned.

I suggest re-reading the rules entirely to really familiarise yourself with them; other than that I suppose we could give you a second chance.
(02-22-2013, 10:39 PM)Adman Wrote: Well, your ban history isn't anything extreme and it was a good 2000 bans between your perm and the previous suspension. It has been a while, coming up to a year or 9/10 months since you were banned.

I suggest re-reading the rules entirely to really familiarise yourself with them; other than that I suppose we could give you a second chance.

I am so grateful for this opportunity, I have read the rules already but will do it one more time just to be absolutely certain I understood it all.

edit: read it twice now.
Happily Insane
[Image: HNkLAJM.png]
I'll wait for some other administrator's opinions, but otherwise I am up for it.
Hope to get some positive opinions regarding my unban... I could go on how messed up the things I did was, but that would take ages. It's been nearly a year as Adman said and I hope that you could give me a second chance to prove that I've changed.
Happily Insane
[Image: HNkLAJM.png]
Yeah uhmm I have never heard of you... and thats a good thing haha. You have had only 7 bans none are too severe.

I don't agree with the perm in the first place so I vote for un ban.
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(02-24-2013, 09:50 PM)Beflok Wrote: Yeah uhmm I have never heard of you... and thats a good thing haha. You have had only 7 bans none are too severe.

I don't agree with the perm in the first place so I vote for un ban.

How do you think it is coming back here, without knowing a soul Smile? Half of the admin team is unknown to me Tounge.
Anyways, I appreciate your vouch.
Happily Insane
[Image: HNkLAJM.png]
Approved for a second chance.

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