Stuff and houses
Hi guys, I bought a house near corleone's spawn, I put there my stuff like print paper etc... If I disconnect and I connect in 1 minute, stuff keep there, but If I'm offline (Disconnected) more than 1 hour aprox, I lose the house (bought door) and all stuff. Any solution, or bug?
No this is not a bug. Your props are removed with in 2 minutes of Disconnection. If this never happened, the server would get clogged up until it crashed, same for doors. There will be no doors available for other players, even though that player disconnected 7 hours ago.

After 2 minutes many of your things go, except money printers and doors, unless the door was spawned using the Door Tool, then I think it deletes after 2 minutes.

Just to clarify, this is not a bug, the only solution is to glue your eyes to your computer screen till the server crashes, which is not recommended, as you will suffer from damage.
I understood all, thank you Aviator Cheese
No problems. Glad you understood it.

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